Stages of thyroid cancer

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Cancer stage describes the growth in size and spread beyond the organ in the body far from where the cancer cells started. Different types of thyroid cancer go through different and often complex stages. This article provides detailed information on the stages of thyroid cancer.

1. Thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is an abnormal multiplication of thyroid cells caused by a disorder in the division of the genetic material DNA. Thyroid cancer can affect both men and women. The early stages of the disease are often silent, the signs of thyroid cancer are not obvious, and often there are no symptoms, so it is difficult to detect, leading to the metastasis of cancer cells to many other parts of the body. body. By the time the disease is discovered, it is already in the late stages and cannot be cured. However, many cases of thyroid cancer are detected early.
Today, as science and technology is developing more and more, there are more and more ways to detect and treat thyroid cancer. However, methods of screening and early detection of thyroid cancer also achieve better results. Most cases of thyroid cancer are detected in the early stages when the patient goes for a routine check-up and through the physical examination, the doctor finds tumors in the front of the neck from which to guide the patient to do the tests. follow-up tests to diagnose thyroid cancer.
Early cancers can also be found when a patient undergoes diagnostic imaging tests such as ultrasound or computed tomography to check for other health problems.

Routine thyroid blood tests or ultrasound can detect changes in the thyroid gland, but these are not recommended as cancer screening tests unless a person has certain risk factors. high risk factors such as a family history of cancer or previous thyroid cancer.

Siêu âm tuyến giáp giúp phát hiện ra những thay đổi trong tuyến giáp của người bệnh
Siêu âm tuyến giáp giúp phát hiện ra những thay đổi trong tuyến giáp của người bệnh
Most people with a family history of medullary thyroid cancer have a very high risk of developing thyroid cancer. In this case, experts recommend genetic testing to check for the presence of abnormal genotypes associated with thyroid cancer. For those cases where genetic testing is not possible, blood tests and thyroid ultrasound can be applied to screen for early detection of thyroid cancer at an early stage, when the disease is still possible. curable.
>> See also: Early detection and diagnosis of thyroid cancer – Article written by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Minh Thuyen - Pathologist, Laboratory Department - Vinmec Da International General Hospital Nang

2. Thyroid Cancer Stages

Cancer stages can describe how advanced cancer cells are and how far they have spread in the body. Cancer stage is the most important factor that helps doctors decide on cancer treatment regimens. Cancer stages are determined based on performing several tests such as ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging....
Thyroid cancer stages vary depending on the type of cancer. cancer and the age of the patient. Below are the cancer stages that correspond to each type of cancer
2.1. Stages of thyroid cancer papillary and thyroid cysts In the case of papillary thyroid cancer or thyroid cysts, the age factor largely determines the division of cancer stages

2.2. Stages of medullary thyroid cancer Stage I: The tumor is less than 2 cm in diameter and is still within the thyroid gland but has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs. Stage II: The tumor is 2cm to 4cm in diameter, is still within the thyroid gland or may have grown just outside the thyroid gland but has not spread to the lymph nodes or other organs. Stage III: Tumor of unknown size. Cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes but have not spread to other organs. Stage IVA: The tumor is of unknown size and has grown beyond the thyroid gland to the trachea, esophagus, and nerves. Cancer cells may have spread to the lymph nodes but have not spread to other organs further away. Stage IVB: Tumor of unknown size. Cancer has spread to nearby blood vessels or to tissues near the spine but has not spread to organs beyond Stage IVC: This is when cancer cells have spread through the bloodstream to other organs in the body. Patients at this stage have almost no chance of being cured.

Bệnh ung thư tuyến giáp có các giai đoạn khác nhau
Bệnh ung thư tuyến giáp có các giai đoạn khác nhau

2.3. Stages of undifferentiated thyroid cancer Undifferentiated thyroid cancer is usually unrelated to the patient's age and is always stage IV:
Stage IVA: Tumor of unknown size but still within thyroid gland, has not spread to lymph nodes or other organs Stage IVB: Tumor of unknown size. Cancer cells may have spread to lymph nodes or nearby organs such as the trachea, esophagus, nerves, or large blood vessels, but have not spread to more distant organs. Stage IVC: Cancer has spread to organs located far from the thyroid gland. Same as for medullary thyroid cancer. Most of the patients at this stage cannot be cured. Today, thyroid cancer is becoming more and more common. Depending on the type of cancer such as papillary thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer or undifferentiated thyroid cancer... the cancer stages also have different manifestations. Determining the exact stage of the cancer is the most important factor in determining the treatments that will be applied. Cancer often cannot be cured when it has entered the final stage. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy at this time can only help prolong the patient's life.

Vinmec International General Hospital is equipped with advanced modern equipment and a team of leading experts with high expertise. The hospital now has an effective screening and screening package for thyroid diseases, helping to check thyroid function, screening & early detection of common thyroid diseases such as simple goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, ... so that appropriate and timely treatment measures can be taken.
To register for an examination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.

In April & May 2021, when there is a need for thyroid cancer examination and treatment at Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, customers will enjoy double incentives:
- Free specialist examination and 50% off Thyroid Cancer Screening Packages such as:
+ Standard Thyroid Screening Package
+ Advanced Thyroid Screening Package
+ Special Thyroid Screening Package
- 50% off cost for customers with only post-examination treatment. The program is limited to the corresponding technique of each hospital and to customers who perform this treatment technique for the first time at Vinmec.
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