Some movements to prevent cervical spine pain

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Neck and shoulder pain is a manifestation of many different diseases such as: spinal degeneration, disc herniation, double spines, narrowing of the joints... Although not life-threatening, it greatly affects the quality of life. life. Please introduce the method of motor massage for readers to refer to and apply when necessary.
Rubbing the neck of the neck
The patient sits comfortably, resting his palms on the nape of the neck, close to the nape of the neck from left to right and vice versa, from top to bottom. Next, put 4 fingertips to the center of the hollow at the back of the neck (the acupoint of Phong Phu) gently rub along the cervical spine from top to bottom in a spiral from 20 to 30 times; then switch hands to the nape of the neck, also do the above movement from the air pressure point to below the shoulders on both sides from 20 to 30 times. Can add more massage oil to increase the effect.

Day acupressure holds the treatment of cervical vertebrae.

Movement 1: Mobilize the neck
The patient sits comfortably on the chair, the top of the head and the chair surface forms a 90-degree right angle, gently lower the head slowly until the chin touches the chest wall, then stop , hold for 1-3 minutes to let the neck muscles relax. Then gently raise your head back to the starting position. Next, bring the head back to the back of the neck until the occipital ridge is close to the back of the shoulder when it cannot be tilted anymore, hold for 1-3 minutes and then gently raise the head back to the original position. Next, do the same gentle movements as above for the left and right tilt, for the left and right side, the right cheek should be close to the shoulder. Each of the above movements can be done 5-10 times, then increase, can be done twice a day in the morning and before sleeping. This movement works to relax all muscle groups of the cervical spine slowly, to the maximum extent to help release the compression, increase blood circulation to increase nutrition to the cervical spine.
Movement 2: Stretching your neck
Lie on your back straight on a hard bed, arms down, using the occipital bone and buttocks as support, and raise your neck and shoulders. Inhale as much as possible for the abdomen and chest to stretch, keep the larynx slightly open (by trying to inhale more), and at the same time move the shoulders back and forth 4 times, exhale completely (the abdomen and chest collapse). Lower your shoulders and rest. The movement has the role of relaxing muscles, increasing flexibility and softness of the cervical spine and shoulders, and at the same time increasing oxygen to nourish the cells, especially the heart, lungs and brain...
Movement 3: Lie on your back and relax in the dark. Sit on a hard surface with your head free and your arms hanging loosely along your body for 10-15 minutes. After that, fix the occipital ridge and heel at the same time, stretch and bend forward, keep in this position for 1-2 minutes to let the cervical spine stretch naturally, prevent muscle spasms, narrow the joint space, promote the week. complete cervical vertebrae.
Movement 4: Lie face down, relax with both hands down the body, feet stretched to the maximum, taking the chin as the main support point for the head, lie in this position for 10-15 minutes. This movement has the effect of relaxing muscles, circulating circulation in the neck area, creating a physiological curve for the cervical spine.
Attention: In all movements, you must be slow, gentle, and persistent every day. Don't do things quickly enough to cause the opposite reaction. When studying, reading or typing, always keep the posture of a pianist, don't sleep with your head high, lie down in the wrong position...
According to Herbalist Chu Van Tien - SKĐS

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