Simple ways to treat snoring

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Snoring may seem like a personal issue, but it can have a serious impact on family life and the health of your bedmate.
Fortunately, there are simple remedies that can help with this annoying snoring problem.
1. Lose Weight: Many people complain that they start snoring as they age. But in reality, this is sometimes simply because you gain weight. Excess weight puts pressure on the throat, which obstructs the inward airway, creating snoring.
2. Go to bed at a regular time: People who are often disturbed or sleep deprived are prone to snoring. If you practice the habit of going to bed at a regular time, the body will not fall into a state of fatigue and help prevent snoring.
3. Don't take sedatives at night: Certain sleeping pills and alcohol can decrease muscle tone and make snoring worse.

4. Do not eat foods made from dairy before going to bed: Because it can cause bad effects on your breathing while sleeping, causing snoring.
5. Choose the right sleeping position: By far, snoring is most common when people lie on their backs because then the base of the tongue slides back. Ideally, you should choose a side-lying position by inserting a pillow behind your back or using a pillow to prop your head to one side. It is recommended to lie on the pillow higher than usual to help the airflow in the throat go straight with the airflow.
6. Clear the nasal passages: Nasal congestion and mouth breathing are possible causes of snoring. If you have a stuffy nose, it could be because of a deviated septum or allergies, so you need to clear your nose to make it easier to breathe.
7. Increase the humidity in the bedroom: Because the low humidity in the bedroom will make the throat dry, and easily cause snoring.
8. Talk to a Surgeon: If the problem cannot be fixed by the above simple methods, then a little surgery will be necessary. In children, large tonsils and nasopharynx are the main causes. In adults, the tonsils can also be a cause of something, such as a deviated septum or an allergy, that forces you to breathe. A low palate or uvula is a potential culprit for snoring. Such deformities only need after a minor surgery to solve the problem.
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