Signs of dehydration and how to treat children with acute diarrhea

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Posted by Doctor Bui Thu Huong - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Diarrhea is the passage of loose or watery stools more than 3 times in 24 hours. Acute diarrhea is diarrhea of ​​acute onset lasting no more than 14 days. Prolonged diarrhea causes dehydration in children, which, if not treated promptly, can be life-threatening.

1. Signs of dehydration

Signs of dehydration in babies 1 week - 2 months old
Signs of dehydration and how to treat children with acute diarrhea

Signs of dehydration in children 2 months - 5 years old:
Signs of dehydration and how to treat children with acute diarrhea

2. Treatment of dehydration due to acute diarrhea in children

Regimen A:
Treatment of cases of diarrhea without signs of dehydration. Amount to drink: Give the child water to drink after each bowel movement with the following amount of water: Low osmotic ORESOL solution (ORS) is best
Signs of dehydration and how to treat children with acute diarrhea

How to give drink:
Children under 2 years old, give each spoonful, older children give sip by cup or bowl. If the child vomits, stop waiting for 5-10 minutes and then continue to give it again. Regimen B
Treatment of moderate and mild cases of dehydration, giving ORS to pediatric patients based on weight or age (if they cannot be weighed). Amount of ORS given in the first 4 hours (ml):
Amount of water (ml) = Child weight x 75 ml. How to give drinking:
Children 2 years old, give each spoonful, every 1-2 minutes, give 1 spoonful, for older children, take sips by cup. If the child vomits, stop drinking for 10 minutes, then give it more slowly. After 4 hours reassess dehydration; if dehydration symptoms disappear, switch to regimen A, children still have moderate and mild signs of dehydration, continue with regimen B. If it gets worse, switch to regimen C.
Regimen C
Applied in cases of severe dehydration Intravenous infusion immediately 100ml/kg Ringe Lactate solution (or physiological saline solution) divided in quantity and time as follows:
Signs of dehydration and how to treat children with acute diarrhea

Every 1-2 hours reassess the patient. Transmit again with the same amount and time if the circuit is weak or not picked up. If dehydration is not progressing well, the infusion is faster. As soon as the patient can drink, give ORS (5ml/kg/hour). If infusion is not possible, insert a nasogastric tube for ORS at 20ml/kg/hour (total 120ml/kg) Resume feeding as soon as the child is able to eat such as continuing breast-feeding or giving other foods rich in nutrients Supportive treatment:
Zinc supplementation in the treatment of acute diarrhea. Children 1 - < 6 months old: 10mg/day x 10-14 days Children ≥ 6 months old: 20mg/day x 10-14 days S. Boulardii: 200-250mg/day x 5-6 days in combination with rehydration and full electrolytes. Racecadotril: 1.5mg/kg/time x 3 times/day in combination with adequate rehydration, electrolytes and not more than 7 days Do not use antiemetics, take stools Ensure nutrition: continue to breastfeed mother or previous milk, do not dilute the milk, avoid carbohydrates

Truyền dịch bù nước cho trẻ bị tiêu chảy cấp
Truyền dịch bù nước cho trẻ bị tiêu chảy cấp

3. Prevention of acute diarrhea in children

To prevent acute diarrhea leading to dehydration in children, parents can apply measures such as:
Breastfeeding Using preventive vaccines: Adequate vaccination according to the expanded immunization program. Specific prevention of diarrhea with vaccines: Rotavirus, cholera, typhoid. Improve eating habits. Use clean water for sanitation and drinking. Practice food safety and hygiene when preparing or storing food. Wash your hands often when caring for children. Use hygienic toilets
Vaccinations Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent diarrhea to protect children's health. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital provides a variety of vaccines for children, including the vaccine against acute diarrhea for rotavirus. To book an appointment for your baby's examination and vaccination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact HERE or contact hotline 0243 9743 556 for support.
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