Should thin and tired people pass protein?

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Please ask the doctor, should thin, tired people pass protein? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Golden A Pao (1996)
Hello. Protein infusion is the infusion of beneficial substances into the body to support disease treatment or restore health. Protein infusion is mainly for people who are exhausted or have certain health problems.
According to experts, each group of infusions will be suitable for different subjects. In order to avoid complications, the patient should be examined, tested and prescribed by a doctor before protein infusion. Doctors need to do blood tests and do many other procedures before assigning infusions to patients
Therefore, you are not allowed to go to a medical facility, pharmacy counter or invite a pharmacist to give you an infusion without examined and tested for related indicators. Instead, you should only infuse protein when prescribed by a doctor who clearly determines what type of fluid your body needs, and how much.
You should also give protein infusions at medical facilities that have qualified doctors, have appropriate tools and treatment equipment when an accident occurs, and the expiration date of the infusion set and the bag must be checked.
You can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System to be answered and guided by experienced doctors. Love.

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