Puberty psychology is very complicated, parents need to be patient

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Puberty's psychology has a very complicated change, especially at this stage, children are also prone to psychological disorders during puberty. If not properly cared for and guided, children can fall into crisis, leading to many unfortunate events.

1. How to recognize puberty children

Puberty is a big change both physically and mentally. Usually, puberty in girls is between 8-13 years old and boys are usually later, around 9-14 years old. However, the age of puberty in children also changes depending on many factors such as nutrition, health status and gender...
Before understanding the psychology of children, parents need to realize the changes in the child's body, as this is more noticeable when the child enters puberty.
Physical changes in girls:
Breasts begin to develop: The first and most recognizable sign is the strong growth of breasts in both size and shape. Pubic and armpit hair begins to grow thick. After a while, the baby begins to have their first menstrual period. Dysmenorrhea can occur with different manifestations in each child, can be severe or dull abdominal pain in the lower abdomen. Sweat and sebaceous glands secrete more. Height increases sharply, on average, children can increase from 8 to 10cm per year, until reaching adult height. Girls will often gain weight, the fat area is concentrated in the arms, thighs, and upper back. For boys:
The first manifestation is an increase in the size of the testicles and the skin of the scrotum becomes thinner, dark red. Pubic hair grows around the base of the penis. After about a year of puberty, a boy's body undergoes many more changes such as a larger penis and testicles and darker scrotum. The baby may have nightmares (unconscious ejaculation of sperm while sleeping). The baby's pectoral muscles are enlarged slightly. Voice changes are more pronounced, often tending to be deeper. More acne appears. Children will become taller faster and stronger. Normally, the height of boys can increase by 8-10cm per year during puberty and can increase by 10-15cm during puberty.

2. Psychological changes in puberty?

In addition to recognizable changes in the child's body. There are also significant changes in the psychology of puberty children:
Children begin to discover themselves: Children in puberty often feel a desire to find personal identity, so children will often tend to tend to make new friends as well as have a lot of experience about different relationships. Many of you can change from timid personality to curious, energetic and want to make new friends. More independence and self-witness: Children become more independent, they prefer to work alone and take more responsibility at work. Children like to give their own witness of what happens or make it clear that they like to fight fiercely to defend their opinion and refuse to listen to others. Privacy and personal spaces also become extremely important to children at this stage. An invasion of a child's privacy may have gone unnoticed before, but at this stage children can react more violently and harshly... They feel curious about gender: Mind Puberty boys and girls tend to be sexist. They begin to notice the difference between their body and the body of the opposite sex, secondary sexual changes in the body, children begin to be curious about issues of gender, sexuality and may started dating, had a romantic relationship with friends of the opposite sex. It is possible that without sex education, it can lead to early sex, unwanted pregnancy ... Concern about appearance: Children become more sensitive about their appearance, children also begin to know how to care about clothes to wear every day and easily feel self-deprecating, worried about the disadvantages of their appearance.

3. Psychological disorders of puberty

In addition to the complex and elusive psychological development of puberty children, children at this stage are also at a higher risk of experiencing a condition called pubertal psychosis. This, if not properly cared for and adjusted by parents, can cause children to behave with unfortunate consequences. Psychological disorders that may occur during puberty include:
Emotional disorders Psychological changes make children more sensitive, emotions are also more volatile. Emotional disturbances cause mental instability changes such as when excited, sometimes inhibited quickly or vice versa, making children quickly sad and happy. Other manifestations of emotional disturbances are loss of appetite, insomnia, weight loss, slow activity, loss of concentration, forgetfulness, and unattractive facial expressions. Children are prone to overreacting to teasing. teasing from friends, or inferring to negative states...
Excessive stress and depression At this sensitive age children are often easily pressured from study, family, friends... Even negative thoughts about body shape or personal level, desires beyond the ability of self and family... also lead to stress. When children fall into a state of stress, children often feel tired, anxious, have headaches, negative thoughts, restless sleep, etc. Therefore, their learning results often decrease and their health decreases. are also usually weaker than normal friends.
Depression is a type of mental disorder that is easy to get during puberty because they have changes from hormone levels in the body, feeling pressure from the surroundings, studying, parents, teachers, etc. Friends... Children with depression may show symptoms such as being sad or upset, not paying attention to everything happening around them and even to themselves, easily tired, disturbed sleep, negative, live in isolation, afraid to communicate with friends and relatives and isolate themselves from the outside world. The most dangerous thing is that stress and depression during puberty can also lead to suicidal behavior.
Behavioral disorders Some children think of themselves as inferior and self-deprecating. This not only makes children shy, afraid to contact, do not like to reveal, doubt their own abilities ... but also makes them prone to stress, frequent fatigue, overweight... Besides they are easily influenced by books, violent movies, depraved cultural products and bad friends. This is the main cause of behavioral disorders and can have serious consequences such as injury to others, theft, dangerous racing...

4. What parents need to do to help their children hit puberty

Everyone has to go through puberty, maybe even their parents have had an emotional puberty. So please understand the psychology of puberty children, they need to go through this stage to become more mature, learn how to guide them in the right direction and try to be more patient with them. Here are some ways parents can help their teen get through the psychological changes of puberty:
If you've forgotten what can happen at puberty. You need to learn to understand what your child is facing during this period. This will help you calm down and understand your child better. Learn to talk calmly with children: Being a parent is something very natural and instinctive, but in fact, to be the best parent, we also need to learn how to be a parent. When children at this age can react in such a way that you make their teeth messy, damaged ... you may give scoldings that make the child react even more violently. At these times, try to stay calm, remember that the child is in a crisis stage. If the child really does something wrong, explain that the child's action is wrong and punish the child according to the rules. And if the child is not wrong, throw away your ego and apologize to the child if you have avoided the wrong child. Try to talk to your child more, maybe understand more about the thoughts and pressures that the child is facing. Reassure and explain clearly what the child is experiencing: One of the important things that parents need to do is reassure and explain to their children that puberty is one of those natural, strange times. wonderful and necessary for the child to be able to develop fully into adulthood. In addition, parents can teach their children the changes in the body during puberty so that when they encounter the child, they are not bewildered and need to guide the child so that the child has skills to take care of and protect himself when necessary. In particular, sex education should be given to children, because at this stage children are very curious about it. Give children privacy: Parents should also give children appropriate privacy. A study on the psychology of boys in puberty showed that boys sometimes learn about their bodies through masturbation, which is completely normal. Therefore, parents or adults in the family should make a habit of knocking on the door before entering the child's room and creating a separate space for the child, not allowing other children or adults to enter without their consent. Use positive words to reward your child: Praise your child's efforts, achievements, and positive behavior. Do not hesitate to praise the child, these are vitamins for the child's psyche, making them feel happier and think more positively. Orient or help children stay away from negative things, depraved cultural products, explain inappropriate behaviors so that children can better understand right and wrong. Try to encourage your child to participate in social activities, do sports, etc. Spend time with your child: Everyone has work or personal relationships that need to spend a lot of time. But you need to know that this stage of your child is only 1, if you ignore it until it is too late, it will be more difficult to correct the child or the psychological problems have seriously affected the child. Try to put aside personal or work problems and spend more time with your child and encourage them. Early recognition of child's psychological abnormalities: At this stage, children may be prone to problems with mental disorders. Parents need to recognize these problems early so that their children can receive early treatment and avoid unfortunate events. If the child has signs of early puberty or delayed puberty, it is also necessary for the child to go to the doctor as soon as possible for appropriate treatment. Thus, through the article, you have an overview of puberty in children. Puberty psychology is very complicated, no two children are the same. Therefore, the key for parents to help their children overcome this stage in the best way is to be patient and understanding to be able to grasp the psychology of puberty in their children, be friends with them and support them. timely child, at the right time.
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