Print or e-book: Which is good for kids?

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In the current digital age, e-books are no longer strange to children and some children are almost turning away from traditional printed books. So between printed books and e-books, which is good for children?

1. Advantages of e-books

E-books have a lot of benefits. If you are someone who is interested in nature, then e-books are a great choice as they are eco-friendly. This is also the reason why e-books cost less. E-books can cost up to 90% less than similar books in print. On average, e-book prices are about 50% to 60% lower. Whether you want an entire book collection or you're an avid reader, relying on e-books will cut your costs in half.
What about convenience? Whether you want to do some last-minute research or you just don't have the patience to wait days, a good e-book store will have you reading in minutes. You don't have to go from bookstore to bookstore. Even if you order online, it will still take you at least a few days to receive the book. With e-books, everything is available on-site, all you have to do is find the book.
In terms of versatility, e-books are currently dominating the market. You can keep a few books in your backpack or one carry a thick book. You can fit more books in your suitcase during your vacation, but they are heavy. With e-books, you can literally carry thousands of books with you just because the device is so compact that it can weigh more than an average book. You can bring with you a whole library of books with rich content, full of genres and authors. And you can also read books with your children anywhere without having to carry much.
The versatility of e-books goes beyond that, sometimes the printed book's font is too small to make it difficult to read. E-books give you the ability to zoom in, so you can keep the fonts at the perfect size. Reading becomes easier on your eyes, less hassle, more fun.
Links and multimedia elements are also plus points of e-books. Obviously you can't find anything in the traditional book. Some books come with audio elements, while others incorporate mini-videos, which make the reading more immersive. In addition, you will find useful links to reference and official websites for more information.
Good passages and important information can be bookmarked and searched easily. You can save pages and even search for text. Just search it through your saved pages or bookmarks.

Lợi ích của sách điện tử hiện nay
Lợi ích của sách điện tử hiện nay

2. Disadvantages of E-Books

Nothing is perfect and although there are many benefits, it is clear that e-books also have some disadvantages. Piracy is the most common occurrence. While it doesn't directly affect the actual reader, it does affect the author and the publisher. An ebook can be shared easily with people who have not purchased it. It's as easy as copying and pasting content into another file. Certainly, piracy affects traditional books as well. However, this process is expensive and time consuming so it is not really worth it.
Besides, when reading stories on e-books, parents tend to focus more on the technology itself, such as telling children to change volume, not press buttons or swipe to the next page. They don't ask their kids many questions about the story or make many comments about it.
Researchers suggest that electronic devices are more distracting for children than printed books, even if e-books have no special effects. They advise parents to stick with printed books. But if eBooks are your thing, try to interact with it the same way you would with print books. In particular, e-books contain a lot of content that may not be suitable for children, so it is best to read books with your child and choose the content carefully when giving them to read.
Besides, a digital device is not comparable to reading a printed book. It doesn't feel the same, although they may provide the same content.
Think about the effects of e-books on children's eyes. This is a controversial issue. E-books provide several benefits by allowing children to choose font sizes. Easy and uncomplicated reading. However, children still stare at the LCD screen for hours at a time. Such displays come with glare that makes reading somewhat inconvenient, unlike paper. If the light is not good enough, the glare will make the child feel tired. In addition, the problem of battery capacity that can run out is also one of the inconveniences of e-books.

Sách điện tử cũng tồn tại những hạn chế nhất định trong quá trình đọc
Sách điện tử cũng tồn tại những hạn chế nhất định trong quá trình đọc

3. Advantages of Printed Books

Some advantages of printed books are controversial. For example, tangibility is often cited as the main benefit of traditional books. When you spend money on a classic book, you also invest in its longevity and long-term tangibles. If cared for properly, children will be able to keep that book on the shelf forever.
Research shows that parents and children are more likely to engage in story-related conversations when they view printed books, compared to e-books. Parents also use richer language and children are more cooperative by turning pages or pointing to illustrations when reading in print compared to e-books.
One of the really important benefits is that printed books are available to everyone. If you don't want your child to spend too much time on technology at a young age, then printed books are a better choice. Children often have to bring books to school, so parents often want their children to bring a printed book rather than an expensive electronic device.
No one denies the fact that printed books have a few benefits, but they are rapidly dying out before e-books. Almost every kid has a few good books they want to read again, but in reality, the market is slowly turning digital.

Sách in vẫn tạo được dấu ấn và sự hấp dẫn riêng với trẻ
Sách in vẫn tạo được dấu ấn và sự hấp dẫn riêng với trẻ

4. Disadvantages of Printed Books

The main disadvantage of printed books is the inconvenience. For children, printed books are quite heavy and cannot be carried around much when traveling or going out.
In addition, to avoid affecting children's eyes, when children read printed books, certain lighting conditions are required. Besides, all children love the feeling of going to a bookstore and some children are passionate about collecting books.
However, with today's e-book trend, it is undeniable that printed books are becoming less and less attractive. E-books are increasingly convenient, flexible, and easy to handle. It also helps protect nature by reducing carbon emissions and can make people's lives easier.
Surely with the above specific advantages and disadvantages, you have answered the question, should you use printed books or e-books for children. Print or e-books both have certain benefits for children, so to make the most reasonable choice for your child, you should observe and monitor the impact of each type of book on children. And the most important thing is to spend time reading with your child. This helps your child develop early literacy skills and builds vocabulary, while stimulating the imagination. Story time is also a great way for the two of you to bond and interact.
Like any other developmental process, the speed of a child's learning to read depends on the ability and development of each child. To make sure your child is not having problems with cognition and reading comprehension skills, you can have your child perform a Health Checkup package that is appropriate for each child's age, gender and unique needs.
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