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Choosing a cesarean section at Vinmec International General Hospital, Nguyen Thi Hue (32 years old) became pregnant for the second time, having just moved from Ho Chi Minh City to work in Phu Quoc. The old cesarean section still hurts, and she gained a lot of weight in this pregnancy, so she couldn't help but worry when she was about to give birth at 39 weeks.
Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ta Quoc Ban - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
On the morning of 11/07/2020, Ms. Hue was admitted to the hospital for a cesarean section, while nursing in the operating room to check her health to prepare for a cesarean section, she herself was very nervous. When she saw that Ms. Hue was too stressed and showed signs of wanting to vomit, the nurse used a gentle but extremely effective psychological technique, which was to wear her at headphones to listen to music to calm her down and help with the caesarean section. went smoothly.
After safely removing the baby, Dr. Ta Quoc Ban removed the adhesions, dissected, pushed the bladder down, solving the pain caused by the residual incision from the previous caesarean section. The baby is 3.2kg and healthy.
Like most pregnant women giving birth by cesarean section at Vinmec, Ms. Hue was given anesthesia for the lumbar squamous muscle to reduce the pain of the cesarean section. Babies are injected under Vitamin K to prevent cerebral hemorrhage right after birth.
After the initial worries, Ms. Hue was very surprised when the cesarean section in Vinmec Phu Quoc was lighter and happier than she expected.
After 2 days of caesarean section, your health has recovered, you can walk, do normal activities and no longer have pain in the incision. Currently, the health of mother and baby after birth is very good. Not only is the pain relief of cesarean section good, but the payment procedures at the Hospital are also very quick.
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