Newborn urine is yellow

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Newborns' bodies are constantly changing to adapt to the environment. When seeing a baby's urine is yellow, parents are very worried about whether their baby has any health problems or not? And what causes yellow urine in babies?

1. Causes of newborn urine yellow color

Yellow baby urine or yellow infant urine is usually caused by two factors of nutrition and pathology. The nutritional cause of the baby's urine is yellow, this is a completely normal sign, parents do not need to worry.
However, if the urine is yellow due to a medical condition, parents need to pay attention to bring the child to a medical facility for examination, diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Nước tiểu của trẻ sơ sinh màu vàng có thể do dinh dưỡng hoặc bệnh lý gây ra
Nước tiểu của trẻ sơ sinh màu vàng có thể do dinh dưỡng hoặc bệnh lý gây ra

1.1 Nutritional causes Due to insufficient milk intake by babies, urine becomes more concentrated
When babies are breastfed: if babies get enough milk, they will suckle for 10 to 15 minutes, then they will sleep peacefully and 3 Woke up the next hour to feed again. From the age of 2 to 6 months, children gain weight 20-25g/day. So if we weigh the baby at the same time every day, we will know if the baby is getting enough or not enough. If there is still a shortage of milk, increase feeding volume When the child is bottle-fed: at this age, it is advisable to give the child about 150ml of milk/kg/day. Due to the mother taking yellow medicines, the breast-fed baby's urine may contain yellow urine. May be yellow Due to mother eating foods with yellow additives, breastfed babies urine may also be yellow 1.2 Pathological causes Neonatal jaundice is the most typical sign that causes urine color yellow in newborns. This phenomenon is very common in infants, especially those born prematurely. However, some dangerous diseases that children have also lead to yellow urine such as:
Congenital hepatitis: The liver plays a role in filtering and eliminating toxins inside the body. Children with liver damage will make this function impaired, toxins accumulate in the body, leading to a change in urine color.

Trẻ bị viêm gan bẩm sinh dẫn đến màu sắc nước tiểu bị thay đổi
Trẻ bị viêm gan bẩm sinh dẫn đến màu sắc nước tiểu bị thay đổi

Congenital hemolytic disease: May be caused by hereditary red blood cell disease, by G6PD deficiency, by abnormal Hb (Thalassaemia). Drugs: Some drugs taken by the mother can cause jaundice due to the onset of hemolysis in some metabolic diseases. Biliary Obstruction: Biliary obstruction as a result of acute hemolysis causing intrahepatic biliary obstruction or congenital biliary obstruction. In addition, there are many other causes of yellow urine in babies, which need to be tested to know the medical condition.

2. How to diagnose the disease through urine chroma

During the first few weeks, the change in the excretion of the newborn will take place continuously from less urine to more, clear urine to yellow. In particular, the sign of yellow urine in newborns often bothers mothers the most because they are afraid it is related to pathology.
Therefore, you need to know the difference between different shades of yellow urine color to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.
Light yellow urine : This is the color of urine showing that the child's health condition is completely normal. If breast-feeding is good and effective, the number of wet diapers of the baby will increase, with a light yellow color similar to the first water-washed tea.

Trẻ bú mẹ nhiều khiến số lần ướt tã sẽ nhiều lên và có màu vàng nhạt
Trẻ bú mẹ nhiều khiến số lần ướt tã sẽ nhiều lên và có màu vàng nhạt

Dark yellow urine: In case the mother is breastfeeding normally, do not use a lot of yellow fruits and vegetables such as turmeric, carrots or take medicine, but the baby's urine is dark yellow, this is a sign. children with water shortages. Besides, the upper part of the baby's forehead is bulging or deeply concave, this is a sign that the baby's body is severely dehydrated. Therefore, timely replenishment of water for children is very necessary. Urine is dark like solid tea: Not simply a lack of water, when a child urinates with a solid tea color, it can be a sign of some diseases such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, kidney stones... If the urine is dark in color for a long time, the mother should take the baby to the doctor to detect and treat the disease in time. Thus, if the infant's urine is yellow, the parents should not be too worried, it is necessary to observe and distinguish the yellow color of the urine. If there are abnormalities like the above, it is necessary to take the child to the pediatric department of a hospital or medical center so that doctors can find the cause and treat it promptly.
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