Motor development of children aged 0 - 6 years old

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From 0 to 6 years old is considered the golden period of children when children have outstanding development in both cognition and daily activities. Understanding the development of children in each age will help parents accompany as well as have a better way to raise children.

Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Pediatrician - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

1. Learn about gross and fine motor in children

Gross motor includes skills related to movement and motor coordination of large muscles such as rolling, crawling, crawling, turning, running, jumping, kicking, climbing... Children develop motor skills coarse before fine motor.
Fine motor skills are skills related to small muscles of the eyes and hands such as the ability to hold, grasp, toys, rotate, twist, write, embroider, knit, draw ... This skill will develop through children's play and practice activities.
Parents find out what is different about motor development and motor skills at different ages to have the best preparation for their children.

2. Child development in stages

2.1 Baby stage 0 - 12 months For gross motor:
Baby can roll from back to side, can turn himself over and know how to raise his head when lying on his stomach Baby can roll from back to stomach and from stomach to back . The ability to roll over and raise the head on their own for a longer time when lying on the stomach in babies from 4 to 6 months When pulled up, the baby can keep the head straight When sitting, the baby has more stability The baby learns to crawl forward and around When Being held by parents, children can stand when being held by parents Children from 7 months old can sit firmly, start crawling and stand up when there is a wall to hold firmly From 9 months old, children learn to stand and gradually stand, walk a few steps when someone takes their hand For fine motor:
Children know how to hold and hold objects in their hands for 1-2 minutes, can use their hands to move them. objects in the mouth, know how to reach out to grasp objects Children know how to hold two objects and bang them together. Know how to move an object from the right hand to the left hand or vice versa; picks up objects with thumb and another finger Children use their fingers more easily, know how to bang objects together, grasp objects with two fingers 2.2 Child stage 1-2 years For gross motor
Baby begins to take first steps without help and starts to run, throw a ball Baby can move an object, sit and pick up toys and walk, push and pull toys with wheels Baby climbs stairs with two feet and two hands and walking backward down the stairs with two hands and two feet. Fine motor:
The child puts the coin in the money tube and turns the page of the book. Babies already know how to use their hands in different activities such as control, balance. Baby can build towers with 2-3 blocks at 15 months, 3-4 blocks at 18 months and draw lines on paper.

Ở mỗi giai đoạn trẻ lại có sự phát triển khác nhau về thể chất và tinh thần
Ở mỗi giai đoạn trẻ lại có sự phát triển khác nhau về thể chất và tinh thần

2.3 Children 2-3 years old Gross motor:
Baby climbs and descends stairs alone by using handrails, has not climbed continuously with two legs. Baby can ride a tricycle Baby stands on tiptoes, throws ball forward... Fine motor:
Complete the puzzle at 2 years old, baby starts with 6-7 blocks, and plays with 9-10 cubes when baby is 3 years old Baby holding crayons with fingers actively drawing straight and horizontal lines on the paper... Baby can turn each page of the book, point to small places in the book and look at the book by himself alone. 2.4 Stage 3 -4 years old Gross motor:
Baby walks forward, backward, sideways, tries to push and pull large toys. Baby runs, stops, dribbles over obstacles. Baby balances on one leg for a few seconds and runs with more grace. Baby climbs up and down stairs with alternating steps and carries objects up and down stairs. Fine motor:
The child completes a jigsaw puzzle, imitates building a bridge, makes mechanical toys work, and places 5 blocks in a row. The child opens and closes the lid of the box, cuts the paper into long strands and cuts it in a straight line. Baby imitates drawing plus signs, drawing V and simple shapes Baby holds scissors in one hand and cuts the outline. Baby makes a long zigzag line by kneading the shaping dough in both hands. Children collect and classify objects and pictures. Children sort objects into groups and pair common objects by function. 2.5 Stage 4 - 5 years old Gross motor:
Baby throws and catches the ball. Your child throws the ball with more force and throws the ball over his shoulder or under his feet. Your baby can learn swimming, jumping or side-jumping methods and riding a bicycle with the spare wheel. Fine motor:
Baby shapes right or left handedness. Baby cut shapes easily: circle, square. The child holds the pencil with the thumb and index finger, puts the focus on the middle finger and paints without smearing. 2.6 Stage 5 - 6 years Gross motor:
Children can walk in a straight line, step down stairs with both feet alternately and run like an adult. Children know how to avoid objects thrown at them, know how to run and chase. Children can also jump rope by alternating legs, climbing confidently and excitedly with fast-moving toys and games Fine motor:
Baby distinguishes left and right hands. The child folds the paper in half by comparing the corners. Can use a pen to draw some simple shapes, color, tear and paste, know how to cut some simple shapes with scissors Baby can use two hands to catch the ball with relative accuracy and can use fingers to shape objects Little Baby has also started going to school and writing letters. In short, at each stage, children have different development in both gross and fine motor. Parents observing and playing with their children will help them bond and have a comprehensive development both physically and mentally.

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