Life After the Baby Is Born: Things You Didn't Realize

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Your life will change so suddenly that you won't even notice when your baby is born. It will be an amazing and wonderful experience that you will experience. Here are life changes after the baby is born that many people may not notice.

1. All your time is baby time

Baby's schedule is now your schedule. Newborn sleep lasts up to 18 hours a day. Babies don't fall asleep in a row, but in short intervals. In between naps, babies need food, care, comfort, and a lot can happen during this time.
After the first busy weeks, your baby may nap for longer and you'll get a good idea of ​​how long he sleeps. You will become an expert in managing your time.

Lịch trình của em bé chính là lịch trình của bạn
Lịch trình của em bé chính là lịch trình của bạn

2. Have you joined the parent club?

Suddenly you have a lot of friends. Even a stranger might look at you and smile. You will have the opportunity to participate in parent clubs. Your boss will also be interested in you, wanting to know how your baby's doctor visit goes. You will learn and acquire a parenting method that is unique and suitable for your family.

3. Change your relationship

Having children, you will have less time to spend with your partner. Your main concern right now will be your kids, which can make you forget to talk to your partner. Either way, you should make time for your husband and if you have the time, go on a private date every once in a while and most importantly, share all that's going on in your life.

4. New night schedule

The birth of a baby means that it is difficult for you to spend a whole night with a good night's sleep. You and your partner can take turns taking care of the kids. During the day, do not try to do all the work, when the baby sleeps, you should also lie down and rest.

Tranh thủ nghỉ ngơi và thay đổi giờ ngủ cho phù hợp với bé
Tranh thủ nghỉ ngơi và thay đổi giờ ngủ cho phù hợp với bé

5. You will have a lot of guests

Of course family and friends will want to see the baby (they will bring stories and parenting tips). However, you should also be wary, to prevent infecting your baby if unfortunate guests come to play sick. Remind everyone to wash their hands before holding the baby.

6. You do silly things to get your child's attention

Babies learn by watching and interacting with their surroundings. You will find yourself acting silly to encourage your child's attention. After the first few weeks, you'll find your baby can imitate your face.
Smile, stick out your tongue or make funny sounds to get your child's attention.

7. You need help

The birth of a baby is a happiness for you, but this is also a time when you will feel very tired. Don't try to do everything alone, if possible get help from those around you. You can take a little time to watch your favorite show or read a book or go for a walk.... This is the time to help you recharge.

Nên dành một chút thời gian để quan tâm đến bản thân của mình
Nên dành một chút thời gian để quan tâm đến bản thân của mình

8. Babies need to talk

When you talk to your baby, two things happen: he learns to talk and you bond with him. And the more you talk with your baby, the stronger the bond between you and your baby, the faster the child will learn. You can imitate a baby sound, such as "ba-ba" or "goo-goo" - then wait for your baby to make another sound and repeat it. This helps children learn to talk.

9. Guilt is normal

You tell yourself you're a great mom. But there may be times when you wish you could go back to your old life, and then feel guilty about that very thought. However, this is completely normal, having a baby is going to be hard on you and you need a break from time to time. Give yourself a break and ask a few friends for help.

10. Read stories to children

If you didn't know children's books before, you should do this now. This is also your way of entertainment. Babies love to hear you read and it's never too early to start. Reading aloud will help your baby recognize words as he or she gets older.

Thường xuyên đọc truyện để tăng nhận thức của trẻ
Thường xuyên đọc truyện để tăng nhận thức của trẻ

11. You will probably make mistakes

Maybe in a perfect world there are perfect parents. But in reality, the general rule for parents is to do what's best for their children. A pacifier can help your baby sleep better, but you need to be careful because it can hurt your baby.

12. You become a judge

As your child grows, your role is to mediate. There will be boundaries that need to be established, and sibling disputes to resolve. Discipline is not an easy thing to do with kids, but it's part of your job. You need to set aside time for your child, so that each child gets your attention.

13. Teach children to use the toilet

It will take a few years for children to be able to use the toilet on their own. Your child will learn to use the toilet the same way you do. Children learn from your actions as well as your words.

Mất vài năm để trẻ có thể tự đi vệ sinh
Mất vài năm để trẻ có thể tự đi vệ sinh

14. My love for you is endless

For some parents, when they hold their baby in their arms, they know that all they have is the baby; For others, it takes a while for them to realize this.
One day you will look at your child and feel an emotional depth you have never known before. Unconditional love for you comes in such a sudden way. Feel and build this affection for a lifetime.

15. Your child is an investment

The average middle-class family spends more than $225,000 in the first 18 years of a child's life. That's just to provide food, shelter and other necessities, not including health insurance, college tuition....So you need to start planning your finances now. Time to prepare what's best for your child.

16. Being a parent is learning to let go

Every milestone is an achievement, and you can be proud that you helped your child get there. It also means that your child is more mature, independent and needs you a little less. That's the joy of being a parent.
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