Is swollen lymph nodes in the armpit causing pain and discomfort dangerous?

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Hello doctor. My father just injured his head and had to have 3 stitches, now he has swollen lymph nodes in the armpit that feel painful and uncomfortable. So what's wrong with my dad?
Pham Van Tuan (1980)
Thank you Mr. Tuan for sending the question to Vinmec Health System. Axillary lymphadenopathy and lymphadenopathy may be due to lymphadenitis, which may be due to an infection near the axillary region or a disease in the lymph node (infection in the lymph node, abscess, tumor, etc.). ). I don't know if after suturing the wound, does your father comply with daily washing of the wound, taking prophylactic antibiotics or not? You better take your father to the hospital so that the doctor can check the condition of the wound, as well as examine to find the cause of the lymph node swelling in the armpit for timely treatment.
Doctor Tran Quoc Vinh - Department of Resuscitation - Emergency - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

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