Is stage 2 colon cancer curable?

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor, Master Nguyen Hung Cuong - Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Although ranked 3rd among the cancers with the highest risk of death, colon cancer is completely curable when detected early. So how is the treatment of stage 2 colon cancer and how is it treated, this question will be answered below.

1. Stage 2 . colon cancer

In the 5 stages of cancer development, stage 2 colon cancer is the stage where the cancer begins to invade the layers of the colon wall and even spreads to nearby organs but has not yet metastasized to distant sites. lymph node.

1.1. Stages of colon cancer 2

Stage 2 colon cancer is divided into small stages including:
Cancer Stage 2A: Cancer has invaded through the muscle layer of the colon wall, but has not gone outside and no lymph nodes have metastasized. Stage 2B: Cancer has invaded all layers of the colon wall, beyond the surface, but no distant metastases, no lymph nodes. Stage 2C: Cancer has spread beyond the wall of the colon and has invaded nearby organs, but no lymph node metastasis has been found.

Ung thư đại tràng giai đoạn 2
Ung thư đại tràng giai đoạn 2

1.3. Manifestations of colon cancer 2

Stage 2 colon cancer is already a strong growth stage, so the expression is also more obvious than the previous stages. In which, the most noticeable are:
Change in bowel habits, abdominal pain after eating, loose stools, alternating solid stools, blood in stools. Change in stool shape: flat stools when the tumor is in the rectal area. Weight loss, fatigue, bloating, indigestion. Occasionally, a palpable mass may be felt in the abdomen, which is painful and then disappears.

2. Treatment of stage 2 colon cancer

2.1. Is stage 2 colon cancer curable?

Detecting stage 2 colon cancer is still at an early stage when the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes, so it is easier to treat and control the disease.
If the doctor's treatment is followed, the patient can be completely cured, can live longer than the detection and treatment when the disease overgrows.
However, the treatment of stage 2 colorectal cancer to achieve good results requires the following factors:
The doctor has the right treatment regimen. Therefore, doctors at the hospital not only need to have experience but also need to coordinate well with many specialties of internal oncology, gastroenterology, imaging, endoscopy, and pathology on the basis of treatment in such conditions. Equipment modern machinery.
Patients must adhere to the treatment regimen and have a plan to periodically re-examine for long-term follow-up, even if the patient lives for more than 5 years.

2.2. How is stage 2 colon cancer treated?

Currently, medicine applies many methods to treat stage 2 colon cancer, often using the main method is radical surgery. Depending on the condition of the disease, the doctor may prescribe additional chemotherapy or radiation to kill cancer cells permanently.

Phương pháp điều trị ung thư đại tràng giai đoạn 2 chủ yếu là phẫu thuật triệt căn
Phương pháp điều trị ung thư đại tràng giai đoạn 2 chủ yếu là phẫu thuật triệt căn
Radical surgery Radical surgery for stage 2 rectal cancer includes: Open surgery and laparoscopic surgery.
Open surgery: With an incision in the abdomen above the navel, the pelvic area (below the navel) or through the anus. The damaged colon will be resected with removal of the associated lymph node system.
Laparoscopic surgery: The principle is like open surgery, the doctor will use 4 or 5 small incisions on the abdominal wall, under the observation of the camera, the surgeon will use special tools to cut the colon as well. as a systematic dissection.
Laparoscopic surgery can be done by traditional endoscope (surgeon directly manipulates instruments) and robotic endoscope (controls robotic arms to perform the above operations without direct grasping) into the tool).
Compared with open surgery, laparoscopic surgery has many outstanding advantages, this has been proven and demonstrated through:
Ability to perform radical surgery Reducing the risk of complications The patient recovers quickly, reduces the risk of complications. treatment time, quick return to normal work thereby reducing medical care costs. Reduces the risk of bowel obstruction due to postoperative adhesions. Robotic laparoscopic surgery shows even more superiority thanks to the flexibility in robot arms, 3D imaging system, especially can handle difficult situations that traditional laparoscopic surgery "can't help" ".
Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is indicated as a more effective and complete adjuvant surgery in the treatment of stage 2 colon cancer.
Preoperative chemotherapy can be used to shrink the tumor and easily remove it during surgery. Chemotherapy is used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence.
Radiation therapy Like chemotherapy, radiation therapy is indicated as an adjuvant method in the treatment of stage 2 colon cancer. Radiation therapy is used before surgery if the tumor is large and difficult to access, and used later. surgery to prevent recurrence.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has applied new technical technology to the treatment of colon cancer, that is colorectal cancer surgery by Robot laparoscopic, which helps to thoroughly dissect cancer cells. , reduce complications, fast recovery... This method brings good treatment effect with high accuracy, which is highly appreciated by experts.

3. Advice for patients treated for colon cancer 2

Diet plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and supporting disease treatment, so stage 2 colon cancer patients need to have an appropriate nutritional menu.
Limit indigestible foods: Red meat or foods containing a lot of fat, indigestible such as ice cream, cheese, whole milk ... will make the patient's digestive system work hard, difficult to absorb collect.
Scientific diet: In addition to a nutritious diet, you need to ensure that you eat at the right time and have enough meals, don't eat foods that are too salty or too pale, fast food, fermented foods...
Stay pure Optimism: Patients undergoing treatment for colon cancer need to be comfortable, trusting, and fight the disease with their doctors and families. This will help you to effectively fight off the disease.
Compliance with treatment: Stage 2 colon cancer can be completely cured if treated early, actively, and adhered to the right course. Fighting cancer is a long process that requires willpower and perseverance, so never give up.
Exercise regularly: Colon cancer patients can walk or do gentle exercise to detox the body, keep the body healthy, mentally comfortable, and repel the disease.
Prevention is better than cure, except for the genetic factor of colon cancer, most patients get the disease due to eating and living habits.

Tập thể dục đều đặn giúp cơ thể khỏe mạnh, tinh thần thoải mái, đẩy lùi bệnh tật
Tập thể dục đều đặn giúp cơ thể khỏe mạnh, tinh thần thoải mái, đẩy lùi bệnh tật

4. Is colorectal cancer preventable?

Building a healthy lifestyle, science is the best way to reduce the risk of colon cancer:
Eat enough red meat Red meats such as lamb, beef... are closely related. According to statistics, people who eat 160g/day, more than 5 times a week have a 3 times higher risk of getting the disease. Therefore, eat enough red meat, especially grilled, fried, ham, sausage, bacon...
Eat a lot of fiber Eating a lot of meat, protein but little fiber also poses a risk. colon cancer. Fiber in green vegetables and fruits not only helps reduce the risk of colon cancer but is also very good for gut health as well as the body.
Limit alcoholic drinks Alcohol increases the risk of colon cancer if consumed more than 15g per day.
Limit smoking Tobacco, alcohol, stimulants are toxic agents to the body, causing a high risk of dangerous diseases, including colon cancer.
Keeping a healthy weight Obesity increases the risk of colon cancer in both sexes, but more clearly in men. Regular physical activity and exercise will reduce colon stagnation time and prevent obesity.
Periodic cancer screening The older you get, the higher the risk of disease, with both cancers in general and colon cancer in particular, so it is important to pay attention to regular health checks and cancer screening. period to detect early signs of disease and eliminate it.
Conclusion: According to the Health Organization, the number of new cancer cases in Vietnam is constantly increasing, from 68,000 cases in 2000 to 126,000 in 2010. In 2018, the number of new cases increased to nearly 165,000 cases/96.5 million population, in which nearly 70% of cases die.. The 5 most common types of cancer in Vietnamese men include: lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer; oropharyngeal cancer. In women, the leading cancer is still breast, colon, lung, liver.
On the world map of cancer, the incidence rate of Vietnam is not high, but the mortality rate is relatively high. According to medical experts, the cause of the high death rate from cancer in Vietnam is that over 70% of patients go to the clinic for examination, detection and treatment late. In developed countries, early detection of cancer has helped cure 70% of the disease while this figure in Vietnam is only 40%. At Vinmec International General Hospital, rectal cancer screening and early detection package is being implemented, which is the most effective measure for early detection and timely treatment of the disease.
Above is the information you need to know about stage 2 colon cancer and the corresponding treatment methods, hoping to help you have the most comprehensive health protection knowledge for yourself and your family. If you have any questions about medical treatment, please contact the doctor of Vinmec Hospital, we are always ready to accompany you.

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