Is it okay to take the 21st pill before the 8th day of your period?

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Hello doctor! I'm taking the 21 pill type of birth control pill. I finished the first pack and started the second pack, but I missed taking the pill before the 8th day of my period, is it okay? Looking forward to consulting your doctor!
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Hello! The main mechanism of action of the daily pill is to prevent ovulation. Therefore, in order to use the daily contraceptive pill to achieve the best effect, the user should take the pill at a fixed time. This will help maintain a constant level of certain hormones in the blood to inhibit ovulation.
However, the fact that you take the pill before the 8th day does not affect much. For the drug to work effectively, users need to take it regularly and correctly. In addition, if you are using other drugs at the same time, you should consult your doctor to avoid "disruption of the plan" even though you have taken birth control pills regularly.
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