Is alcohol a stimulant?

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Alcohol has some initial stimulant effects, but its main effect is a depressant, how it affects you personally depends on your body type, how much alcohol you drink, and your tolerance for alcohol. alcohol loading. If you use alcohol in moderation, it will not cause significant harm.

1. Is alcohol a stimulant?

Rượu giúp cơ thể người uống cảm thấy bị kích thích và tràn đầy năng lượng
Rượu giúp cơ thể người uống cảm thấy bị kích thích và tràn đầy năng lượng

Alcohol is a depressant, and has stimulant effects that affect the nervous system and brain function.
If you use alcohol in moderation it will not cause any significant harm. Moderate drinking is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
However, with high doses of alcohol, it can increase your heart rate, increase your impulsive aggression, have unusual words and actions, and get angry.
If you use alcohol in high doses for a long time, it will affect your health, mental health and cause other social problems such as easily causing traffic accidents.
The stimulant effect occurs when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches 0.05 mg/l. However, it turns into inhibition when your BAC reaches 0.08 mg/l. L. When your BAC reaches 0.2 mg/l or higher, the inhibitory effects of alcohol on the respiratory system can become so strong that it causes coma or death.

2. Things to know when using alcohol

Sử dụng rượu đúng cách sẽ đem lại lợi ích tốt cho sức khỏe người uống
Sử dụng rượu đúng cách sẽ đem lại lợi ích tốt cho sức khỏe người uống
You should not use alcohol and stimulants, pain relievers at the same time. Or mix alcohol with beer, soft drinks... because it is likely to cause serious side effects. During pregnancy, women should not use alcohol regularly, it will harm both mother and baby, causing consequences such as: premature birth, affecting mental health problems. Moderate drinking is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. When drinking alcohol, it should be combined with eating green vegetables to dilute the alcohol concentration in the wine. Or you can drink filtered water and foods high in protein before drinking alcohol to slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Using wine has the effect of preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, blood pressure. Because wine is fermented from fruits that contain a lot of vitamin B, vitamin C and some other minerals such as Mg, Ca... help fight cell oxidation. To ensure the best health, you should not drink too much beer and alcohol. The use of medicinal alcohols requires a dosage of only 30ml/day before eating or before going to bed. Reference source:

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