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As a woman, don't think that giving birth is an instinct, you don't need to learn how to give birth because in fact, if you learn how to breathe and push properly, it will help your mother's birth happen faster, avoiding lose strength, avoid complications after birth.
Video content is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Hien - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital
Labor pain is a sign that the pregnancy is over. Pregnant women begin to enter the new stage of labor and childbirth. Usually, the time of labor for each woman will be different. This period can range from 6 hours to 12 hours for women who have given birth to a single child and from 12 hours to 24 hours for women who have given birth to their first child. The experience of pushing or pushing during normal birth at this time plays a very important role.
The closer to the time of delivery, the contractions of the uterus happen again and make the pain feel more intense. Pregnant women who know how to breathe during vaginal birth and push properly with the uterine contraction cycle will help reduce the pain level, the fetus will come out faster as well as save energy during childbirth.
Based on the experience of pushing for many people, summed up how to breathe during vaginal birth and push properly as follows:
How to breathe during vaginal birth: Based on uterine contractions, the mother needs to pay attention to the breath. breath. When feeling pain, having contractions, pregnant women should breathe correctly, breathe faster, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As the pain increases, breathing becomes faster and shallower, and the frequency of breathing increases gradually. The more pain, the faster breathing. Exhale how to make a hissing sound like a small whistle is correct. And when the pain subsides, breathing slowly, breathing deeper, gradually reducing the frequency of breathing, relaxing the whole body is the best. How to push properly: When you have permission to push from your doctor, you should practice pushing properly, pushing the baby out of the mother's womb and genital tract. When feeling uterine contractions, contractions become stiff and pain occurs, you should take a deep breath, then hold your breath, close your mouth, grasp the two sides of the birth table, and kick hard on the table. push, push hard to push air down to the abdomen, so that the fetus is pushed out. When you feel out of breath but still have pain, take another breath and continue to push until no more abdominal pain. Pay attention when pushing, you need to keep your back straight, close your back to the birth surface and the buttocks curve forward. Prolonged labor pains will become an obsession of mothers, so how to properly push during childbirth is very important, directly affecting the time of labor. If the pregnant woman is instructed to push properly, the baby will be born quickly, without the mother's effort. After giving birth, the body will recover faster, thereby ensuring the health to take better care of the baby.
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