Instructions on how to detect children with jaundice

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Video content is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Tran Lien Anh - Neonatology Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

For children with pathological jaundice, they should be taken to a pediatric hospital soon for examination and treatment. The serious form of the disease cannot be ignored because if left untreated, it can cause serious complications. So how to detect jaundice in babies? How long does it take for jaundice in babies to go away?

In fact, to answer “how long does it take for jaundice in newborns to go away?” must depend on many factors. If physiological neonatal jaundice usually appears from the 2nd to 4th day after birth and resolves within 10 days, pathological neonatal jaundice requires long-term treatment with many different methods depending on the severity of the disease. .
Phototherapy is considered one of the most effective, easy and economical treatment for neonatal jaundice. When projecting, two lights will be used, one above and one below. When illuminating, the entire body of the child should be exposed to ensure the maximum amount of light entering the child's body, but be sure to cover the child's eyes with a dark cloth and cover the child's genitals with a diaper to prevent exposure. limiting testicular atrophy, affecting future reproductive function. Change the child's position every 2-4 hours. Feed the baby on a regular basis every 3 hours,
Perform irradiation of jaundice in newborns for 24 hours and perform monitoring and examination to assess the child's effectiveness.
To detect jaundice in newborns, parents should check in daylight, naturally, with a finger press lightly on the baby's skin, making the skin yellow, then it could be a yellow sign skin in infants.

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