Instructions for taking care of teeth after implantation

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The article was written by the Doctor in charge of the Dental - Jaw - Facial Unit - Interdisciplinary Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Implant is considered the most modern and effective tooth restoration technique today. Taking care of your teeth after the implant is an issue you need to pay close attention to to keep this "new tooth" as beautiful and strong as the original.

1. Instructions for taking care of teeth after implantation

Use medicine according to the prescription of a doctor specializing in Dentistry - Jaw - Face. In the first 2-3 days there may be little bleeding. At that time, do not rinse your mouth and spit a lot. In case of heavy bleeding, use sterile gauze folded tightly and apply an ice pack outside. In case of swelling, use an ice pack on the cheek. Body temperature may rise slightly around 38°C. Avoid rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth vigorously on the first day of surgery, as a hematoma can form, but it's not a big deal. Sutures can dissolve on their own after 2 weeks or cut after about 12 days depending on the doctor's instructions.

Trường hợp có sưng nề có thể dùng túi đá chườm má.
Trường hợp có sưng nề có thể dùng túi đá chườm má.

2. In case of sinus lift

After surgery, do not drink water with a straw; do not blow your nose within 15 days; when sneezing remember to open your mouth; avoid vigorous rinsing; Avoid flying for the week following surgery. If sinusitis occurs despite good precautions, see your doctor right away for a prescription.

3. Living and eating regime

Avoid smoking as this can slow down the healing process. Should eat soft, cold food, avoid using stimulants such as: Alcohol, beer, spicy food, hot, cold.

4. In any case, you need to see a doctor immediately

In any case, if there is an abnormal problem: High fever over 38.5°C, swelling, pain, bleeding profusely, go to the doctor immediately. In order for the implant to be monitored, cared for properly and sustainably in the long term, the patient has regular dental check-ups every 6 months. For customers who have not yet had an implant and want to find a safe and reputable dental address, they can refer to the implant package at the Dental - Jaw - Facial Unit at Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Package details: Implant package
At Vinmec International General Hospital, all dental services are performed according to strict infection control standards, ensuring maximum safety and hygiene for customers. row.

Các bác sĩ trình độ chuyên môn cao đã thực hiện rất nhiều ca thành công từ những ca đơn giản đến phức tạp nhất.
Các bác sĩ trình độ chuyên môn cao đã thực hiện rất nhiều ca thành công từ những ca đơn giản đến phức tạp nhất.
In addition, Vinmec provides general dental services (examination, endodontic treatment, cosmetic dental fillings, lip contouring, cystectomy, ...) and specialized services such as orthodontics, cosmetic dental restorations. Cosmetics, implant placement is done in a modern operating room and absolutely sterile.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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