Instructions for handling when suffering from severe motion sickness

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Motion sickness is a phenomenon that many people experience to varying degrees, causing great inconvenience to travel. Here are ways to deal with severe motion sickness.

1. What causes motion sickness?

The brain can sense the body's movement by the nervous system, including the inner ear, eyes and body tissues. When the body moves intentionally, such as when walking, the brain controls the actions by synthesizing information about the path being traveled. However, the case of traveling by vehicle will be different. Motion sickness symptoms occur when the central nervous system receives conflicting signals from the sensory systems (including the inner ear, eyes, skin pressure receptors, and joint receptors). . For example, if you are sitting on a boat or in a car (eyes do not look out the window), the inner ear will send signals that the body is moving (up, down, left, right), but the eyes only see the frame. static scene inside the vehicle. Therefore, motion sickness is hypothesized to be caused by a conflict between the signals transmitted to the nervous system.
Any means of transport can cause motion sickness. The symptoms of motion sickness come on suddenly, and range in severity from feeling uncomfortable to breaking out in a cold sweat, dizziness, and vomiting. Motion sickness usually subsides or goes away when the vehicle is no longer moving (although for some people motion sickness can last up to several days). The degree of motion sickness will decrease if the frequency of traveling by means of transport increases (ie, the more vehicles you travel, the more "acquainted", less motion sickness).

Trắc nghiệm: Bài kiểm tra chỉ số trí tuệ cảm xúc (EQ) của bạn

Chỉ số trí tuệ cảm xúc Emotional Quotient (EQ) là một chỉ số dùng để nói lên trí tưởng tượng, đánh giá và cảm xúc của một con người. Hãy làm bài trắc nghiệm sau để biết chỉ số EQ của bạn là bao nhiêu?

Nguồn tham khảo:

2. How to prevent motion sickness

To prevent or reduce the level of motion sickness can be done in a few ways:
Choose a seat on the vehicle : choose the seat position on the vehicle is quite important, avoid the seats at the back of the vehicle or Sit facing back to the direction of vehicle movement. Should choose sitting positions for feeling the least movement such as:
On the boat: choose the seat in the middle or at the front of the boat, horizontal close to the water level. On the plane: choose a seat in the middle of the plane, the best position is in front of the front edge of the wing. When the plane takes off, adjust the airflow towards the face. On the train: choose a seat close to the front of the train, face forward compared to the direction of the train moving, and should sit next to the window. On passenger cars: choose a seat near the front of the car. Eyes looking straight ahead, focusing on a stationary object (e.g., looking at the horizon) or looking out into the distance. Avoid reading books, newspapers or using electronic devices while on the go.

Sử dụng một chút gừng có thể giúp phòng tránh cảm giác buồn nôn khi đi tàu xe
Sử dụng một chút gừng có thể giúp phòng tránh cảm giác buồn nôn khi đi tàu xe

How to note guests:
Keep your head steady, avoid swaying, and lean back on the back of the chair. Do not smoke, do not sit near smokers. Avoid strong odors, spicy foods, and alcoholic beverages. Use an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as those containing dimenhydrinate (safe for children over 2 years old) or meclizine, 30 to 60 minutes before departure. Undesirable effects are drowsiness, somnolence. Consider using scopolamine: available as patches. A few hours before departure, apply the patch behind your ear for up to 72 hours of effects. Consult your doctor before use if you have health problems, such as glaucoma or urinary retention. Try ginger: Biting a slice of ginger, drinking ginger tea, eating ginger candies, or taking a supplement containing ginger may help prevent nausea in some people. Snack: eat a little salty cake, sip a little cold water, drink a little carbonated water without caffeine, ... for some people bring effects.

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