Insertion and removal of the IUD

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The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor I Truong Thi Phuong - Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Obstetrics and Gynecology Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Intrauterine contraception is a scientific, effective and safe method of contraception. The insertion and removal of IUDs also takes place proactively and quickly. However, women also need to learn carefully about this method to better understand its advantages and disadvantages before deciding to place an IUD.

1. What is an IUD?

IUDs are usually T-shaped, small in size, and are inserted into the uterus for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. The end of the tool is connected to a wire. This wire will be pulled outside the cervix for periodic checks to determine if the instrument is in the correct position.
The IUD is also known as the IUD, because the IUD used to be round in shape, similar in shape to a ring. However, at present, most contraceptive devices have changed to the T-type.
The main mechanism of action of IUDs is to cause an inflammatory reaction in the uterine lining, changing the biochemistry of endometrial cells. and does not create favorable conditions for the fertilized egg to implant.

2. Types of contraceptive intrauterine devices

2.1. Multiload Available in different sizes Flexible, non-injurious to the base angle Soft curved horizontal branch, good fixation in the uterus. 2.2.Tcu 380A Easy installation and removal process Large copper ring area High contraceptive efficiency. 2.3. Mirena Modern, highly effective contraception Able to relieve menstrual pain However, the price is quite high.

Mirena là dụng cụ tránh thai được sử dụng phổ biến
Mirena là dụng cụ tránh thai được sử dụng phổ biến

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the contraceptive device

3.1. Pros Most IUDs are fairly inexpensive (except mirena), suitable for a wide range of couples High contraceptive protection, up to 97% Long-lasting, Quick and easy insertion and removal Quickly and proactively place and remove IUDs. 3.2. Cons Only can be placed and removed at prescribed medical facilities May have bleeding during the first time of insertion May have back pain, uterine pain due to contractions Time to discharge a lot of discharge .

4. IUD insertion and removal

The useful life of an IUD can last 10 years, depending on the type there will be a specific timeline. However, you can ask your doctor to remove the IUD at any time.
After the IUD is placed, women can do normal activities, including sex, exercise, swimming... without affecting their health.

Tập thể dục bình thường sau khi đặt dụng cụ tử cung tránh thai
Tập thể dục bình thường sau khi đặt dụng cụ tử cung tránh thai
The IUD can be checked by inserting a finger into the vagina to check the cord. If the IUD is not palpable, the IUD may not be in the correct position. This case needs to go to the hospital for doctors to check and correct.
After placing the IUD, it is necessary to have an annual check-up to ensure women's health and prevent pregnancy.

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