Indications for surgery to treat laryngeal cancer

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Laryngeal cancer usually occurs in people from the age of 40 onwards, more commonly in men. Laryngeal cancer, if not treated in time, can cause many dangerous complications. Currently, there are many methods to treat laryngeal cancer, but surgery is always the preferred option.

1. What is laryngeal cancer?

Laryngeal cancer is defined when the malignant tumor originates from the larynx with 3 layers: inferior surface of the epiglottis, laryngeal band, Morgagni larynx, vocal cords and subglottis or in the border of the larynx. Over time, the tumor will spread beyond the fixed areas into the lower pharynx, then it is called hypopharyngeal laryngeal cancer.

2. Causes and symptoms of laryngeal cancer

The most common causes of laryngeal cancer are drinking too much alcohol and smoking. Besides, chronic laryngitis is also one of the factors that cause laryngeal cancer.
Symptoms of laryngeal cancer over time will become more and more obvious: Hoarseness, difficulty breathing, swollen lymph nodes. Besides, coughing, bad breath is also a sign of disease. At the late stage, the patient will experience difficulty swallowing and choking on food, secretions into the airways, causing coughing fits.

Nguyên nhân dẫn đến ung thư thanh quản thường được nhắc đến chính là uống rượu bia và hút thuốc lá quá nhiều
Nguyên nhân dẫn đến ung thư thanh quản thường được nhắc đến chính là uống rượu bia và hút thuốc lá quá nhiều

3. Indications for surgery to control laryngeal cancer

Indicated cases of surgery for laryngeal cancer:
Voice disorder: Hoarseness, prolonged stiffness Dry cough, cough with sputum and blood Persistent pain in the neck, in front of the larynx, pain may spread to other parts of the body. other parts such as ears. Throat feeling of foreign body, causing discomfort Difficulty breathing because the tumor has now spread to cover the larynx Difficulty swallowing, choking, pain because the tumor has spread to the lower throat. Successful treatment of laryngeal cancer depends on the stage of the tumor and the choice of treatment. Therefore, if you notice any of the above-mentioned unusual symptoms, see your doctor immediately for a timely examination.

4. Treatment methods for laryngeal cancer

Each patient will have a different treatment regimen for laryngeal cancer. To come up with an overall treatment regimen for a patient, specialists will have to discuss and combine different treatment methods together.
Along with the advancement of medicine, now, there are many different treatment methods for laryngeal cancer such as: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, alternative surgery.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the size of the tumor and the patient's health condition, the doctor will give appropriate indications. Usually, doctors will give first priority to removing the entire tumor, followed by preserving or regenerating the function of the pharynx and larynx, helping to solve the problem thoroughly from the root.

5. Should laryngeal cancer be operated on?

Việc tiến hành phẫu thuật thanh quản để điều trị ung thư được coi là một giải pháp hoàn hảo để loại bỏ khối u triệt để
Việc tiến hành phẫu thuật thanh quản để điều trị ung thư được coi là một giải pháp hoàn hảo để loại bỏ khối u triệt để
Performing laryngeal surgery to treat cancer is considered a perfect solution to completely remove the tumor.
Surgical treatment is a measure to remove the tumor, the surgical method is mainly based on the size and location of the tumor. There are several types of surgery for laryngeal cancer:
Total laryngectomy. Partial laryngectomy Supraglottic laryngectomy: surgical removal of the upper larynx and epiglottis. Cut the vocal cords: can cut 1 or all 2 vocal cords. Sometimes, your doctor will remove lymph nodes in your neck. This method is called lymph node dissection. Some patients may need a temporary feeding tube.
The success of treatment for laryngeal cancer depends very much on the size and stage of growth of the tumor. In the early stages, doctors can use vocal cordectomy, which can still preserve the voice. When it comes to the late stage, partial laryngectomy, or total laryngectomy, together with cervical lymphadenectomy, can cause some dangerous complications. The treatment of laryngeal cancer is most effective when the disease is detected at an early stage.

6. Prevention of laryngeal cancer

Say no to alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants Regularly check your health and screen for cancer Have a scientific diet, exercise and rest When detecting symptoms of laryngeal cancer, you should to a reputable medical facility for timely examination, diagnosis and treatment. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you need to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online. online HERE.
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