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Dear doctor! Currently, I am about to give birth to my second baby, but in my first birth, I have a lot of pain after giving birth, especially pain in the episiotomy area when breastfeeding. Is there any way to relieve the pain of the postpartum perineal stitches this time? I hope the doctor can help me.
Anonymous question
Hello! The phenomenon of episiotomy suture pain after episiotomy is very common in clinical practice. Depending on the pain threshold of the mother, more or less cutting, stitching technique, pain may vary.
Currently, at the hospital under Vinmec Health System, the technique of nerve anesthesia combined with oral pain relievers is very good. You can refer to it when you give birth for the second time.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "How to relieve the pain of perineal stitches after birth" to Vinmec. Wish you have a good pregnancy.
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Answered by Master, Doctor Ta Quang Hung - Anesthesiologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital