How to prevent bronchiolitis, pneumonia caused by RSV virus for children?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Professor, Doctor, Doctor Pham Nhat An - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

According to Professor, Doctor, Doctor Pham Nhat An - Director of Pediatrics Center and Head of Pediatrics inpatient Department - Vinmec Times City, respiratory syncytial virus, English name is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV virus), is one of 6 viruses cause most common lung and respiratory tract infections, in children, RSV virus can cause bronchiolitis, pneumonia.

Bronchiolitis caused by RSV virus in children can cause respiratory failure, children appear as having difficulty breathing, wheezing. For infants, RSV virus can also cause very dangerous pneumonia.
RSV virus enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. This virus is easily transmitted from person to person through infected respiratory secretions such as coughing, sneezing or direct contact such as shaking hands. RSV virus can survive for many hours on objects such as children's furniture, toys. Children are at risk of contracting RSV if they accidentally touch objects with the virus and bring them to their mouths. The disease develops strongly in winter - spring and spring - summer. According to statistics, 1 person infected with RSV virus can infect 5-10 other people.
Doctor Pham Nhat An further notes: Not everyone infected with RSV virus shows symptoms, so it can easily be transmitted to children and cause bronchiolitis, pneumonia in children, If not detected in time, it can lead to serious complications.
To prevent bronchiolitis, pneumonia in children caused by RSV virus, parents need to take the following measures well:
Avoid letting children come into contact with people showing signs of illness such as fever, cough, and sneezing. steam, runny nose,...; Avoid taking children to crowded places; Keep the children's living environment clean and fresh, avoiding kitchen or cigarette smoke; Clean and disinfect surfaces of instruments that may be contaminated with RSV virus; Pay attention to wash hands thoroughly with soap and clean water or alcohol-based hand sanitizers before taking care of children; If prescribed by a doctor, children at high risk of RSV infection will be given medicine to prevent RSV infection from becoming more serious. In summary, RSV virus (respiratory syncytial virus) can cause complications of bronchiolitis, pneumonia in children. Therefore, when suspecting that a child has a disease, parents should take their child to the nearest medical facility for examination and timely and effective treatment measures to prevent dangerous complications.

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