How to get rid of constipation after giving birth?

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The article was professionally consulted by MSc Ta Quoc Ban - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
The postpartum period or postpartum period is the time when a woman's body gradually changes to have the same characteristics as before pregnancy. Postpartum women often face many uncomfortable problems, including constipation. Postpartum constipation, if not detected and resolved in time, will negatively affect the health of both mothers and babies.

1. Overview of postpartum constipation

A few days after giving birth, the mother may face constipation that appears early. Postpartum constipation can occur in any woman, even if there is no history of constipation during or before pregnancy. Women who were diagnosed with postpartum constipation had hard stools less than three times per week.
Postpartum constipation can be considered a pathology because they exist alone with a functional cause. Postpartum constipation is not life-threatening but affects a woman's quality of life as well as interferes with child care.
When constipation appears with other symptoms such as constipation alternating with diarrhea, bloody stools, the patient should see a specialist to rule out dangerous diseases.
Hemorrhoids are a common complication of postpartum constipation. Straining to pass hard stools is a direct risk factor for congestion in the rectal veins and for hemorrhoids. This is a disease that brings disadvantages to the patient, and can be dangerous if bleeding complications are not detected in time.
In most cases, postpartum constipation goes away on its own and responds well to a variety of treatments. Changes in diet and biological habits are simple factors that help patients recover quickly. Careful monitoring is required if post-partum constipation persists or presents with many other accompanying symptoms and at this time the woman should be examined and consulted by a specialist.

Sau sinh vài ngày, bà mẹ có thể phải đối diện với tình trạng táo bón
Sau sinh vài ngày, bà mẹ có thể phải đối diện với tình trạng táo bón

2. Causes of postpartum constipation

Constipation occurs in women in the postpartum period as a result of many different causes that often occur simultaneously in a disease setting, including:
Large uterine size during pregnancy has been compressed and increases pressure on the colonic framework, causing a decrease in muscle tone, thereby reducing intestinal motility and the ability of the colon to expel stool for many months. The amount of hormone progesterone in a woman's body after giving birth is high. A woman's body after giving birth has a high water requirement. It is caused by blood loss from childbirth, the amount of fluid in the postpartum period, and the production of milk to feed the baby. Not drinking enough water can easily cause constipation. Calcium, iron and formula are the groups of substances that are often supplemented for women before, during and after pregnancy. Their undesirable effect when used for a long time is constipation. The diet is not built properly, with too many protein-rich foods and a lack of vitamins and fiber groups. The old beliefs about confinement or inactivity after giving birth also contribute to the increased incidence of postpartum constipation. Do not dare to defecate because of the pain of the incision or the perineal stitch. Over time, a woman will gradually lose her bowel habits, reduce the frequency of stools and lead to postpartum constipation. A woman is constipated after giving birth often due to a combination of many of the above causes. Detecting the cause of the disease is decisive for the effectiveness of treatment to relieve postpartum constipation.

3. How to get rid of constipation after giving birth?

Among the ways to reduce postpartum constipation, changing living habits and diet is always the first step recommended to apply and implement. Women with postpartum constipation should:
Add many food groups including green vegetables and fruits to the daily diet. However, do not diet because the energy requirements in postpartum women are quite large. A balanced diet rich in phlegm and high in fiber and vitamins is a good option. Drink lots of water: adding plenty of water daily not only helps to reverse postpartum constipation but also helps women produce milk to feed their babies after giving birth. Get into the habit of defecating as soon as you feel the urge to go to the bathroom. Absolutely do not hold a bowel movement no matter what situation you are in. Practice gentle sports such as walking, doing simple exercises. Exercise can be painful in the beginning for a woman, but if done regularly can help speed up wound healing time and increase bowel movements, helping to relieve constipation.

Bổ sung nhiều nước hằng ngày không chỉ giúp đẩy lùi táo bón sau sinh mà còn giúp ích cho việc sản xuất sữa để nuôi con của phụ nữ sau sinh
Bổ sung nhiều nước hằng ngày không chỉ giúp đẩy lùi táo bón sau sinh mà còn giúp ích cho việc sản xuất sữa để nuôi con của phụ nữ sau sinh
In addition to the above measures, women with postpartum constipation can apply some other measures such as: Using laxatives, softening stools in case of severe constipation. However, the selection of drugs used in the postpartum period, especially breastfeeding, requires the advice and guidance of specialists. Self-medication and self-treatment is not recommended.
For detailed information, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec health system nationwide.
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