How to correct crooked teeth?

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The article is professionally consulted by Doctor of Dentistry - Maxillofacial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Crooked teeth is a condition in which the upper jaw protrudes forward compared to the lower jaw, leading to misalignment of the bite. This is one of the defects that lose the beauty of the jaw due to factors from bones, jaws and teeth.

1. Causes of crooked teeth

Crooked teeth are often caused by factors from the bones, jaws and teeth. The cases of protruding teeth, slightly protruding teeth are often caused by misaligned teeth, this case often occurs in incisors, teeth that are displaced from the vertical and deviated out. Sometimes teeth that are too large and the jawbone does not have enough space for teeth to grow can also cause crooked teeth. The phenomenon of teeth protruding, indenting or teeth crowding together is also due to this reason.
Not only that, tooth decay can also be caused by bad habits such as sucking, sucking on pacifiers from childhood, if these habits last long and often take place during tooth replacement, it is likely that the baby will later tooth chipped. When replacing teeth, baby teeth fall out too soon and the permanent teeth have not yet erupted, which can also cause deviations when teeth come in.
Besides the reasons from the teeth, the chipped teeth can also be due to the jaw and jawbone being too big or developing abnormally. The upper jaw is too large, causing teeth to protrude even though the teeth are normal. There are also cases of protrusion due to both jaw and teeth, this is a serious condition and needs careful treatment.

2. How to cure chipped teeth

There are many ways to treat chipped teeth. Depending on the cause of the swelling, there will be the right treatment.
Treating toothache Due to tooth decay is the mildest case and easiest to solve. Braces are one of the most popular treatments for crooked teeth. This method is based on mechanical principles, based on the pulling force of metal braces to help teeth move to the desired position. However, this is a mechanical measure, so it takes a long time to help the teeth return to the desired position.
Normally, braces time will be about 12 - 24 months depending on the degree of crookedness. There are also cases that need braces up to 36 months to fix severe cases.

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Chữa răng vẩu bằng phương pháp niềng răng mắc cài

Treatment of protruding teeth due to protruding teeth Protruding teeth due to jaw causes is quite difficult to treat, usually the doctor must intervene in the patient's jaw bone to be able to reshape the whole teeth. This method has a quick implementation time but is quite expensive. This method involves surgery, so you need to find a really reputable medical facility for safe and effective orthodontic treatment.
Treatment of crooked teeth due to misaligned teeth Porcelain veneers are an orthodontic method chosen by many people. However, this method is more suitable for cases where teeth are misaligned or slightly crooked. With this method, crowns made specifically for each patient will be inserted into the jaw and fixed. Porcelain crowns will help the teeth that need to be orthopedic easily go into the desired position.
Porcelain crowns also help improve the beauty of teeth with a very natural color and suitable for each person. Mild cases can choose this method with only about 2-4 days. However, the cost of this method is quite high.

Chữa răng vẩu bằng phương pháp niềng răng
Chữa răng vẩu bằng phương pháp niềng răng

Vinmec Times City International Hospital currently has a new generation of orthodontic braces applied to cases of crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, spaced teeth, underbites, malocclusion,... make the face lose its aesthetic appearance, help to adjust and regain the aesthetics of teeth, smile and face by orthodontic method.
The advantages of the new generation of braces include:
Metal braces are an orthodontic method thanks to the force of the brackets to bring the teeth into the desired position, by the metal bracket. Stable, but the time of braces with this type of bracket is shortened compared to other types of brackets. The treatment with metal braces is not too complicated like lingual braces or porcelain braces, plus the cost-effective treatment are the outstanding advantages of this type of braces. In addition, metal braces also bring high orthodontic efficiency, time is shortened to the maximum and is easy to replace when falling off. With a team of highly qualified specialists with many years of experience, the new generation of orthodontic braces can help you overcome crowded teeth and bring a bright smile with your teeth. as the.
To register for examination and consultation at Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, customers can call Hotline: 0243 9743 556 or register online HERE.

Dr. Hien has 12 years of experience in the field of Odonto-Stomatology, especially in the treatment of dental pathology, orthodontics and dental prosthetics. Dr. Hien was trained in dental Implant at Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, participated in many seminars from domestic and foreign experts. Currently working as a Doctor of Dentistry - Jaw - Facial Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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