How to calculate menstrual cycle to get pregnant

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C trench doctor. Let me ask you, I got my period on February 17th and stopped on February 19th. How long can I successfully conceive? Thank you doctor for helping me.
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. Let me ask you, I finished my cycle on February 2, and on February 19, I got my period again, how many days can I have sex and easily get pregnant. Thank you doctor!
Anonymous question
Hello doctor, this month I have my period from the 7th to the 11th I have no period, if I have sex on the 25th, is there any risk of having a baby? I thank you!
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. The first day of my period is day 16, how do I know when I ovulate and watch the most fertile day? Thank you doctor!
Nguyen Thi Nhu Huynh (1998)
Hello doctor. May I ask is the 25th day of my period. So when will my ovulation fall? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Nhung (1993)
Hello. There are many ways to know the day of ovulation and easy to conceive, in which the calculation of ovulation according to the menstrual cycle is the most common, but this calculation only applies when you have a regular period. The most suitable time of conception is calculated as follows:
With the shortest cycle: Subtract 18 days. For example your cycle is 25 days. (25-18=7). Therefore, the most fertile day is the 7th day after the first day of the menstrual cycle. With the longest cycle: Same as above but subtract 11 days. For example, the cycle is 30 days. (30-11=19). With this ovulation calculator, your fertile period is from day 7 to day 19 of your menstrual cycle. In addition, you can also calculate the date of ovulation based on basal body temperature, cervical mucus, or ovulation test strips.
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