How should pregnant women take iron supplements?

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Hello doctor. I am currently 9-10 weeks pregnant, constipated. I read the newspaper and saw that constipation could be caused by excess iron. I stopped taking iron for 1 day and I feel normal going to the toilet. Currently, I am taking 2 iron drugs, Folic acid plus iron and Coo Newcare (2 drugs prescribed by 2 different doctors). I read the instructions on each bottle that said to take 1 pill, the doctor told me to take both, after taking it, I became constipated. The doctor asked me if I have too much iron? Should I give up 1 drug? Looking forward to consulting.
Anonymous question
As recommended by nutritionists, pregnant women should supplement at least 27mg of iron per day (not to exceed 45mg) and take it throughout pregnancy. To know if the body is really too iron, you need to see a specialist.
In addition, any type of iron that you take and how much you take it should be under the guidance of a qualified doctor.
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