How long does breast cancer screening take?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Dr., BS. Nguyen Thu Huong, Breast Screening Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Malignant tumors can start anywhere in the human body, when a tumor starts in the breast is called breast cancer. In fact, many people still do not really understand what breast cancer is?

Breast cancer begins when a group of breast cells grow out of control, continuing to multiply and crowd out normal cells. Cancer cells then spread to other parts of the body, called metastasis. Breast cancer can appear at any age, ethnicity, mostly in women, but men can also get it with an incidence of about 1%. Therefore, regular breast cancer screening is an effective preventive measure.

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Bài dịch từ:

Many people know that it is necessary to periodically screen for breast cancer, but do not know where to check for breast cancer accurately, which makes the examination delayed and affects the results of treatment. .
Breast cancer screening is the performance of certain examinations, to check for the existence of breast cancer, before breast cancer shows signs and symptoms. Breast cancer screening includes many different steps, each woman who goes for screening will be thoroughly advised by her doctor what to do, when to do it, and clearly explain the benefits and risks of breast cancer screening. carry out breast cancer screening, so that people who need screening can decide for themselves whether to agree to conduct or not.
Breast cancer screening is not a measure to prevent cancer, but it is very important in detecting breast cancer early, when treatment is easy, brings high results, good prognosis . If the results of breast cancer screening are abnormal, the examiner will be assigned by the doctor to perform breast cancer tests and diagnostic techniques to confirm the diagnosis.
Three measures to help screen for breast cancer with high accuracy today:
Breast ultrasound: Breast ultrasound is the use of ultrasound waves to detect abnormalities of the breast and mammary glands through reconstruction. Reflective images from waves, through which we can see lesions deep in the breast tissue that are not detected by conventional clinical examination. The advantage of ultrasound, not only in breast cancer screening, is that it is quick, convenient, gives immediate results, and can be repeated many times. Mammogram: A mammogram, or mammogram, is a technique that uses specialized X-ray equipment to capture breast tissue. The X-ray takes place relatively quickly, giving results within a day, but because it is necessary to press the breast tissue closely to get a comprehensive picture of the breast tissue, it may bring some discomfort to you. em. Genetic testing: Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are two genes that are strongly associated with the development of breast cancer. Therefore, screening to detect mutated genes plays a breakthrough role in early diagnosis and proper assessment of the risk of breast cancer. With a team of experienced and dedicated doctors and nurses, Vinmec is a reliable address for breast cancer screening in particular and cancers in general.
The rate of breast cancer in women under 40 years old is quite low, then gradually increases with age, so it is recommended to screen all women over 40 years old, with no clinical symptoms of breast cancer. at least once a year. For women aged 50-74 years, cancer screening should be done every two years with ultrasound and mammograms.

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