How long after sex use pregnancy test to give accurate results?

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Doctor, I have had sex with him for nearly 2 weeks, after 13 days of using a pregnancy test, it shows 1 line, so that means I am not pregnant, right? And after 13 days of testing, is the result accurate?
Anonymous client questions
Hello doctor. After having sex for more than 1 month, test the strip for 1 line, is it accurate? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you.
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! When having sex, if you do not use any method of contraception, you can take a pregnancy test after 7-10 days of intercourse. In your case, after 13 days of sex and you have tested the test, the results show up 1 bar, it is highly likely that you are not pregnant. In addition, you can also choose to take a pregnancy test by blood test or urine test to give more accurate results.
To prevent pregnancy safely as well as prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The two of you should discuss and use other effective methods of contraception such as: Use condoms later, daily birth control pills ....
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