How is cervical suture technique performed?

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Posted by Doctor Pham Thi Tuyet Mai - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Cervical collar stitch is a procedure to sew a circle around the cervix to narrow the hole in the uterus, protect the baby's safety in the abdomen, prevent miscarriage and premature birth.

1. What is cervical stitch?

Cleft cervix is ​​a condition in which the cervix thins and opens before the pregnancy is large enough for the baby to be born. This is one of the causes of sudden miscarriage in pregnant women. Cervical cerclage is a procedure of stitching a circle around the cervix to narrow the hole in the uterus, protect the baby's safety in the abdomen, and prevent miscarriage and premature birth. Cervical suture removal will be performed when the fetus is 37-38 weeks old, or when the pregnant woman shows signs of labor. Cervical cerclage is a treatment method when pregnant women have cervical cleft palate, preventing premature birth or recurrent miscarriage.

Hở eo cổ tử cung là một trong những nguyên nhân gây sảy thai đột ngột
Hở eo cổ tử cung là một trong những nguyên nhân gây sảy thai đột ngột

2 . Implementation process

Prepare personnel: Doctor, technician... Patient preparation: The mother was consulted, explained the advantages and disadvantages and the events that occur when conducting the cervical suture technique. bow. Prepare tools: Needle, thread, pin clamp... Carrying out suturing the uterus
Disinfect the private area, use forceps to pull the cervix out. Tie the thread at the 12 o'clock position. Cut the end of the thread about 1cm away from the knot. Test button only. Vaginal and cervical antiseptic. When ligation, two diagonal stitches will narrow the cervical opening to tighten in both vertical and horizontal directions. Normal expression after performing the technique
After suturing the cervical spine, the patient will rest for about 3 days at a medical facility for the doctor to monitor bleeding, uterine contractions, and rupture of membranes. Pregnant women will be treated with antibiotics and anti-uterine contractions After performing the technique, if you see the following abnormal signs, you must go to the doctor immediately:
Having uterine contractions Vaginal bleeding Amniotic fluid

Nếu sau phẫu thuật thấy ra nước ối thì người bệnh cần đi khám lại ngay
Nếu sau phẫu thuật thấy ra nước ối thì người bệnh cần đi khám lại ngay

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Cervical collar stitches help pregnant women with cervical ectopic pregnancy prolong their pregnancy, limiting the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
Causes miscarriage or premature birth due to pregnant women having contractions Cervical tear Permanent narrowing of the cervix (cervical stenosis).

4. Things to keep in mind when performing this technique

The time to suture the cervical spine is usually from 16 - 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is best to suture the cervix between 16 and 18 weeks, to avoid miscarriage before intervention.
By 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the patient will have sutures removed to be ready for a normal delivery. If the patient shows signs of premature birth, the suture can be removed earlier to avoid tearing or breaking the cervix.

Nên tiến hành khâu eo cổ tử cung vào tuần 16 - 28 của thai kỳ
Nên tiến hành khâu eo cổ tử cung vào tuần 16 - 28 của thai kỳ

Currently, the whole Vinmec system is implementing this technique and has significantly reduced the rate of preterm birth because women are periodically monitored from the 12-week maternity package, early diagnosis of cervical ectopic pregnancy, and treatment. timely.
Vinmec International General Hospital now has a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The package pregnancy helps to facilitate Convenience for the birthing process Newborns receive comprehensive care To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register Check online HERE.
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