How does reading help increase children's vocabulary?

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A new study shows that daily reading to children from birth to 5 years old can increase a child's vocabulary by more than a million words, while helping them learn to read faster when they start school. Reading just three times a week can make a huge difference for a child.

1. Benefits of reading books

According to some studies, reading books brings the following benefits:
Books are an inexhaustible source of knowledge about all areas of life, so reading helps children improve their knowledge; In the process of children reading books, the whole mind and senses of children are focused on the knowledge that the book is referring to or think about following the next development of the story without having to care about everything. around, so reading helps children improve thinking skills, analytical ability; Thanks to their ability to think with an impressively rich vocabulary and increase their vocabulary through reading, children learn logical expressions and stories that attract listeners; Children must memorize characters, information about them, story content, story developments or circumstances that form a lifestyle through each story when reading books, so reading books also helps children improve memory; Reading is a form of helping children relieve stress; Helping children to be happy, excited and motivated to continue learning with a cheerful and happy spirit; Reading helps children develop writing skills, because children can learn the author's writing style and use of vocabulary; Help children regulate their own emotions. Children can be aware of the problem that is happening in the book, from which they can accurately identify and analyze the current situation to be able to adjust their own emotions; Help children form healthy, useful habits, and at the same time limit bad habits.

Đọc sách đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho trẻ
Đọc sách đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho trẻ

Books are important to the development of mankind because of their importance and deep meaning. All information about knowledge, culture, history as well as knowledge about society is contained in the book, which is an endless source of knowledge for children to explore freely. It can be seen that books are the best source of knowledge on the path of children's intellectual development. Reading is a way to help accumulate, accumulate and improve children's knowledge and understanding. For each person, especially a child, this is also the best way for children to approach the surrounding life. In addition, reading books is also a preparation for children to carry out long-term training on the way of learning, accumulating knowledge to help children explore, discover and conquer the world around us.
See more: Teach children how to read books early

2. How does reading help increase vocabulary in children?

Researchers at Ohio State University randomly selected 30 of the most frequently used children's books from the Columbus Metropolitan Library. Then they counted the number of words in each book.
On average, board books contain 140 words and picture books 228 words. Researchers suggest that if you read five books a day to your child from birth to three years old and five picture books a day for the next two years, your child's listening will increase by more than 1.4 million words compared to a child who has never read. calculate. (They suggest that children whose parents say they have never read to them may still be exposed to at least one book every few months.)
This study was spurred on by an earlier study by the same author, in which half of children from a national sample reported never or rarely read to them by an adult.
If you think that reading 5 books a day is too much for your child, you can reduce it. Even with just one book a day, your child will hear nearly 300,000 more words than kids who rarely read. According to research published in the Journal of Pediatric Distribution and Behavior, reading just one book three to five times a week still exposes children to more than 169,000 words.

Plus, parents often add commentary to stories when reading to their children, which results in children being exposed to more vocabulary.
Lead author Jessica Logan says: Words in a book tend to be more diverse than words in everyday conversation. For example, if you read a book about penguins in Antarctica, you will introduce your child to words that do not normally appear in everyday conversations.
Experts say that hearing parents read stories from an early age will help improve children's vocabulary and better prepare them for learning to read those words when children go to school. Therefore, they can learn to read faster than children who do not have such a wide vocabulary.

Đọc sách còn có thể giúp tăng vốn từ ở trẻ nhỏ
Đọc sách còn có thể giúp tăng vốn từ ở trẻ nhỏ

3. Training children's reading skills

In order to awaken the whole society about the importance of building reading habits for children, and at the same time propose some solutions that are worthy of attention in encouraging and training children's reading habits, in Recently, there have been a number of seminars and talks with the aim of forming the habit of reading for children. Children get used to new things very easily - this is the psychological feature of children. Therefore, it is not too difficult to create new habits for children, including the habit of reading. In order to form and practice reading habits for children, the main issue here is the responsibility of the family, especially parents play a very important role. This endeavor requires perseverance.
To do this, parents must first be aware of the role of reading; You must have the habit of reading books yourself to set an example for your children. Children will be more interested in reading when parents encourage, support, create a reading space for children (reading position, light, color, temperature, quiet...), children can choose. books of your own liking (to the extent permitted); Children often go to buy books. Children will be very happy and excited when they go to the library with their parents, read books with their parents, through which, after reading a story, you can teach them how to read, comment, and evaluate books. , help children write down their thoughts by guiding them to keep a reading diary.... In order to record the child's progress, give them timely praise. This helps children instill a sense of confidence, satisfaction, happiness, and at the same time, there should be timely material and spiritual gifts for them. Besides the family, the school also plays an extremely important role in cultivating the habit of reading for children.
In fact, in helping children develop the habit of reading, school is a very useful place. When there is a combination between family and school, the habit of reading books for children will definitely form more easily, creating a love of reading for children. For children to be stable in life, and to help them perceive and avoid temptations in life, family is the most solid foundation. In order to help children with knowledge and skills, to form a person's personality, and to create conditions for them to be able to adapt to life in a changing world, school is the most important environment. Family and school are two important factors contributing to the habit of reading for children, creating the first steps for the development of children later.

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Cha mẹ có thể hình thành thói quen đọc sách cho trẻ từ khi còn nhỏ

If you are still struggling to know how to read books to your children to make them interested, cooperate and gradually form this good habit for your baby or do not know what kind of books are suitable for each age of your baby, You can find information in Vinmec's article below:
Teach children how to read at an early age Children love books that explain "why" and activities around

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