How Can Breakfast Protein Help You Lose Weight?

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Protein is a substance that plays an important role in the body. In fact, adding more protein to your diet is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight.

1. Should I have breakfast?

We used to think that skipping breakfast was associated with weight gain, but the following evidence shows that eating or skipping breakfast has no effect on weight gain or loss. However, eating breakfast can take on a good meaning for other reasons. For example, it can improve mental performance for a new workday. This may also depend on the quality of the breakfast. Stereotypical breakfasts like cereals and foods high in sugar may not help with weight loss, but a high-protein breakfast can.

2. How does protein help you lose weight?

Protein is considered the most important nutrient for weight loss, this is because the body has to use more calories to metabolize protein, compared to fat or carbs. Protein also helps you feel fuller for longer and reduce cravings. One study in women found that increasing protein intake by 15 to 30 percent of total calories helped them eat 441 fewer calories per day. They also lost 5kg after just 12 weeks of testing. Another study found that increasing protein to 25% of total calories halved late-night snacks and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%.
In another study, two groups of women were put on a weight loss diet for 10 weeks. The groups ate the same amount of calories, but different amounts of protein. The results showed that all the women participating in the study lost weight. However, the high-protein group lost about half a kilogram more than the low-protein group. Research shows that increasing protein by 15% to 18% of calories caused dieters to regain 50% less weight.

3. Protein in breakfast helps you eat less later

Many studies have been conducted to examine how breakfast protein affects eating behavior. Some results show that a high-protein breakfast reduces hunger and helps us eat 135 fewer calories later in the day. In fact, MRI scans have shown that eating a high-protein breakfast reduces the signals in the brain that control food motivation and behavior. In addition, protein is also helpful in helping us feel full, as it activates the body's signals to curb appetite, reducing cravings and overeating. This is mainly due to a decrease in the hormone ghrelin and an increase in the full peptide hormones YY, GLP-1, and cholecystokinin.
Several studies have also demonstrated that eating a protein-rich breakfast changes these hormones throughout the day.

4. Protein in breakfast helps you lose weight and reduce belly fat like?

Bữa sáng giàu protein có thể làm giảm sự thèm ăn và có thể giúp giảm mỡ bụng
Bữa sáng giàu protein có thể làm giảm sự thèm ăn và có thể giúp giảm mỡ bụng
A high-protein breakfast can reduce appetite and may help reduce belly fat. The more high-quality protein you eat, the less belly fat you will have. A study of obese Chinese teenagers showed that replacing a cereal breakfast with a meal with eggs resulted in significant weight loss over 3 months. The higher protein breakfast group lost 3.9% of their body weight, while the lower protein group lost only 0.2%.

5. Protein can increase metabolism

Increasing your metabolic rate can help you lose weight, as it causes your body to burn more calories. The body uses more calories to metabolize protein (20-30%) than carbs (5-10%) or fat (0-3%). This means that the body burns more calories by eating more protein than it does by eating carbs or fat. In fact, consuming large amounts of protein leads to the burning of 80 to 100 extra calories per day. A high-protein diet can also help prevent muscle loss during calorie restriction.

6. How to add protein in breakfast?

Prepare yourself for a high-protein breakfast and here are a few examples of high-protein breakfasts that can help you lose weight:
Greek Yogurt Parfait Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurts. often. One cup provides 23 grams of protein. It is also high in calcium and potassium. For a full breakfast, add ice cream with fruit and a high-fiber cereal with yogurt
Chia Seed Pudding Chia seeds are packed with nutrients, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds provide about 5 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. Stir 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with half a cup of milk and refrigerate overnight to enjoy in the morning with fruit and honey.
Protein-rich cereals Not all grains have the same amount of protein. Many are made with only grains, so they don't have a lot of protein. But some varieties with added nuts contain more protein. Look for ones with at least 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving on the label. This combo will help fight hunger throughout the morning.
Vegetarian Frittata With 6 grams of protein each, eggs are a smart way to start the day. For an easy breakfast of one dish, whisk eggs with salt and pepper. Mix sautéed vegetables and cheese. Put it in a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes. Then place it in a 350 degree oven, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes.
Smoked Salmon Smoked salmon is a breakfast food in Scandinavian countries. One serving has nearly 16 grams of protein, plus heart-healthy omega-3 fats. You can add it to omelettes and frittatas, or have it make a sandwich with a piece of rye bread, smoked salmon, and cream cheese.

Cá hồi hun khói chứa nhiều dinh dưỡng như protein và omega-3, tốt cho tim mạch
Cá hồi hun khói chứa nhiều dinh dưỡng như protein và omega-3, tốt cho tim mạch
Hazelnut Butter Cake Skip the syrup, and spread nut butter on waffles or toast. It is high in protein (7 grams in 2 tablespoons), healthy fats, and vitamins. In fact, research shows that eating nuts regularly can promote heart health and help with weight loss. You can also stir a spoonful into your oatmeal or smoothie bowl.
Canadian Bacon and Egg Sandwich Bacon is made with lean pork, a two-slice serving has 12 grams of protein and less than 2 grams of fat. Enjoy it on a wheat muffin with an egg. Research shows that people who ate eggs in the morning ate 22% fewer calories at lunch than those who didn't.
Cottage cheese with fruit Cheese sticks are considered a slimming food. Half a cup of cottage cheese provides 12 grams of protein. It's a good source of leucine, an important amino acid for muscle. Choose a low-fat, sodium-free version and combine it with fruit, or add it to your morning smoothie or oatmeal.
Black Beans Scramble Upgrade your scrambled eggs by mixing sautéed chili peppers, black beans, and some cheddar cheese. Legumes add a protein boost and they are high in antioxidants. Plus, you'll get immune-boosting vitamin C from chili
Poultry sausage with eggs and toast Like other meat products, pork sausage is a source of protein. But it's often high in saturated fat, the kind that can raise cholesterol. Replace it with a lean version made with chicken and turkey. Enjoy it with eggs, wholemeal toast and fruit, or add it to your omelette or quiche.
Quinoa Porridge This whole grain is actually a tiny seed, and it's packed with protein. One cup of quinoa provides 8 grams of protein. For breakfast, eat quinoa as an oatmeal-like porridge, and add your favorite toppings, like cinnamon, fresh fruit, and nuts.
Fruit and protein smoothies Sip fruit and protein in your morning smoothie. Start with fruit, such as bananas or berries; a glass of milk; and a few stones. For more protein, add some Greek yogurt or whey protein powder.

Sinh tố trái cây là lựa chọn tuyệt vời cho bữa sáng đầy dinh dưỡng
Sinh tố trái cây là lựa chọn tuyệt vời cho bữa sáng đầy dinh dưỡng
Greek Yogurt Pancakes Greek yogurt can bring protein and a tangy flavor to pancakes. To make them more appealing, mix it with an egg and skimmed milk. Then add it to your pancake mix.
You want to start a new day with lots of energy without worrying about gaining weight. Add some protein to your breakfast. This will help your body get more nutrients, help you feel full, and may even help you eat less throughout the day.
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Reference sources:,
Whey protein: Uses, dosage, side effects Origin of whey protein Protein role and instructions, uses
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