Heavy eating during pregnancy makes the baby smart?

A number of pregnant women choose goose eggs and cater the need of their body with the wish of improving the baby's intelligence. Is this behavior beneficial to the fetus?

Is heavy eating good for pregnant women?

Nutrition Doctor Ho Thu Mai, Vinmec International Hospital, said that during pregnancy, nutritional needs of a mother increase to assist the mother as well as to nurture the fetus. Especially during the last few months, this demand will be on the rise.

Fetus nutrition depends entirely on the mother. Hence, a balanced diet prevents the baby from a lack of nutrition and physical and mental retardation when they grow up.

However, our expert recommended that mothers should not force themselves to eat too much. "When you consume more than enough, excess energy will accumulate in the body when only a minor amount of which will be passed on to the baby. As a result, you will gain weight and store a lot of fat. After giving birth, your shape will become larger than other people", Dr Mai said.

At the same time, absorbing an excessive amount of food will increase the risk of diabetes, heart problems, stroke or depression. Losing weight after giving birth also is a headache if the mothers have eaten too much during pregnancy.

According to our expert, the percentage of mothers with gestational diabetes (usually get detected only after seven months), is now relatively high as a consequence of excessive food intake.

Doctor Mai believed an appropriate diet would help mothers to easily gain weight during pregnancy. An average weight gain would range from 12 to 18 kilograms, applying to mothers whose weight, prior to pregnancy, is average.

For those women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy, weight gain will be lower. Conversely, weight-deficient women before pregnancy will have higher increase in weight, from 18-20 kilograms.

The first three months of pregnancy, the mother's energy needs do not change compared to the normal time. In the middle stage, energy intake needs to go up to 350 kcal. The 3 last months would need from 470-480 kcal. Pregnant women need to eat enough quality in the 4 kinds of nutrition including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. In particular, proteins will grow and calcium requirement is 1,000 mg / day. In the last 3 months, the mother needs an additional 3-fold intake compared to normal time.

When cravings appear constantly, mothers should consult with nutrition doctor for more information.

"In case of ongoing uncontrolled cravings, they should come to a nutrition doctor or obstetrics doctor to find out about an appropriate diet. Diet needs to be appropriate and balanced to ensure the safety of the child and the mother", Dr. Mai suggested.

What are the reasons that make a baby smart?

When asked about what should the diet for a pregnant mother look like to have a smart baby, Dr Mai asserted that nutrition is not the deciding factor. "Many studies pointed out that babies who are born with sufficient nutrition may have higher IQ than malnutrinitional babies. However, the intelligence is decided by gene, nutrition only plays a supporting factor. Hence, nutrition can only help the babies with their physical development", Dr. Mai said.

Besides, according to Dr. Mai, at present, there are many mothers who focus on nutraceuticals and micronutrients. These substances should have been provided by daily meals. Taking medicine without eating food will not be effective.

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