Great sex secret for men

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Sex is a matter of particular interest to men. However, to achieve a feeling of euphoria, men must constantly change the way they renew themselves when having sex. The 6 sex secrets below will help you do that.

1. Great sex secret 1: Ask a woman's feelings during sex, understand and change the way the relationship is suitable

Kissing and other oral stimulation is one modality for successful male sex. In addition, you should talk openly with her, ask her what she wants, how she feels if necessary.
Joy Davidson, New York-based sex and psychologist, author of Fearless Sex, says spending time figuring out how your partner feels can make sex more explosive and erotic.

Nụ hôn là một phương thức giúp quan hệ tình dục ở nam giới thành công.
Nụ hôn là một phương thức giúp quan hệ tình dục ở nam giới thành công.

2. Great sex secret 2: Don't trust male-to-male conversations about sex

Men often discuss sexual matters with each other. In their conversations, most of them exaggerate the sexual sensations achieved, in the end they are distorting their own sexual picture.
As a result, many men often think that something is missing in their sex lives, that other men are having more satisfying and frequent sex. They will feel like they are among the few who are stuck in a sexual relationship.
According to Michael Casteld, San Francisco-based sex expert and author of Great Sex: A Man's Guide, the secrecy principles of men's sex reveal the average frequency of sex. in long term relationships about every 10 days.

3. Great sex secret 3: Don't compare your sex life with porn

There are many men who rely on pornographic films to better understand their sex relationships, thereby comparing them to their sexual activities and become frustrated.
Sex movies also form thinking that if men have sex like in the movies, it will give the same feeling. However, this is not true for everyone, as each person has their own style of relationship and orgasm point.
Besides, sex movies also have good points as inspiring to stimulate sexual desire. However, if you watch too much, it will affect the way men think about sex.
You should watch sex movies in a healthy way. It's just a tool to help increase sexual desire in the moment of need, not just imitating the movie will have the same results and then lose faith in your woman.

Nếu xem quá mức phim tình dục sẽ gây ảnh hưởng đến cách nghĩ của nam giới về tình dục.
Nếu xem quá mức phim tình dục sẽ gây ảnh hưởng đến cách nghĩ của nam giới về tình dục.

4. Great Sex Secret 4: Focus on Pleasant Feelings

Stress is the enemy that prevents sexual sublimation. To increase the feeling of excitement during sex, men should apply this saying whenever under the influence of stress: "Focus on feeling good". During sex, you should also focus on looking at the other person's eyes, massaging, breathing evenly to feel the great feeling during sex.

5. Great sex secret 5: Instead of focusing on penis size, men should focus on other issues

Not having a large penis size, men's ability to stimulate sex will be better. For some women, a modest penis size is just right for their vagina. It's a matter of personal preference and personal preference.
On the other hand, it's not the fit of the penis - the vagina is the only factor that determines sexual satisfaction. Other factors such as focusing on foreplay, kissing, coaxing, and caressing also contribute to feelings of pleasure during sex.
Many women are very sensitive to a man's voice during lovemaking. If men having sex are able to attract their women through their voices, it can make sex more intense.

Thay vì tập trung vào kích thước dương vật, nam giới nên tập trung vào các vấn đề khác
Thay vì tập trung vào kích thước dương vật, nam giới nên tập trung vào các vấn đề khác

6. Great sex secret 6: Schedule sex

Instead of increasing pressure to have sex immediately, scheduling is said to be more effective. It has the advantage of helping the mind to become more relaxed, having time to prepare for appearance, romantic gestures to attract the other side. When you are ready for sex time, you and your partner will have time to arrange work to spend time with each other. Two people can massage and bathe together.
When scheduling sex, the possibility that both people will have desire and achieve orgasm will be much higher. Men when having sex planned will help you and your partner have the same feeling of desire, instead of one having the feeling, the other having less or no feeling. Usually when you want a relationship, whether the other person wants it or not, they will compromise. However, this type of relationship is often disappointing for both parties, because the desired pleasure is not achieved.
Hope the above secrets can help you have a fulfilling sex life and avoid the factors that hinder your relationship with your partner.
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