Good food for dengue fever patients

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Dengue fever should eat to recover quickly, increase platelets, repel disease symptoms is a question many people are interested in. The following are nutritional dietary advice for dengue patients.

1. Most important is rehydration and electrolytes

Due to the characteristics of dengue fever, high fever, fatigue, and exhaustion, eating and drinking will be poor, leading to a worsening condition if proper nutrition is not provided. Accordingly, what to eat to increase platelets is an important issue because the patient's platelet level often drops low, causing serious problems related to blood clotting. Especially for dengue fever, the most worrisome state is shock, plasma leakage, causing the blood to become concentrated. Therefore, before paying attention to what to eat with dengue fever, patients need to pay attention to enough water and electrolytes, such as drinking oresol, fruit juice.
Most dengue patients experience high fever and dehydration, so it's important to provide extra fluids to replace lost fluids. Patients should mix oresol solution according to the formula, in addition can drink fruit juices and juices (eg orange juice, grapefruit, lemon juice, coconut water) instead of filtered water, because they contain a lot of water. minerals and vitamin C, help strengthen resistance to fight disease, stronger vessel walls and improve symptoms caused by dengue fever.

Bệnh nhân sốt xuất huyết thường sốt cao kèm mất nước, cần bù nước và điện giải
Bệnh nhân sốt xuất huyết thường sốt cao kèm mất nước, cần bù nước và điện giải

2. Use liquid food

For good foods for dengue patients, focus should be on liquid, soft and easy-to-swallow foods because the patient's condition is often very poor, leading to anorexia, difficulty eating, and even being unable to eat or drink anything. Okay. The priority dishes are porridge, soup, which is both nutritious and easy to eat and absorb. You can drink more milk to enhance nutrition. Do not eat rice or hard foods that require a lot of chewing and are difficult to swallow.
Especially, for children with dengue fever, milk is the main and most important source of nutrition. If the baby is still breastfed, continue to breastfeed. When feeding children, should divide meals and drink water, should not give food and drink quickly. However, it is necessary to ensure the daily diet and nutrition for the baby. Parents should actively add protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, milk, foods rich in vitamin A, rich in zinc such as lean beef, chicken, ...

3. Avoid greasy foods

Dengue fever currently has no vaccine, nor specific treatment. Therefore, besides medical care, nutrition plays an extremely important role. If you encounter digestive problems, making the resistance even more reduced, the symptoms of dengue fever will be more severe, potentially leading to dangerous complications.
In order to avoid digestive problems, dengue fever patients need to abstain from fatty and greasy foods, fried and spicy processed foods, because they often cause difficulty diarrhea, abdominal distension. Although most patients will feel very anorexia, but still have to try to supplement with balance and complete nutrition, giving priority to foods that provide many vitamins and minerals to improve the body's resistance. .

Tránh thức ăn nhiều dầu mỡ cho bệnh nhân vì chúng thường gây ra tình trạng khó tiêu, chướng bụng
Tránh thức ăn nhiều dầu mỡ cho bệnh nhân vì chúng thường gây ra tình trạng khó tiêu, chướng bụng

4. Feeding children “pay meals”

For children who have recovered from dengue fever and can enjoy normal activities, they should follow the normal diet. If you feel that your baby is losing weight or lacking nutrients after being sick, you can increase nutritional supplements depending on the age of the baby. If the baby is still in the breastfeeding period, the mother must strengthen the necessary nutrients. If the baby is eating solids, then give "repayable" food, supplement for the baby to stimulate weight gain, make up for the nutrients lost during the time of the baby's illness, and avoid being underweight and malnourished later.
However, most children after getting sick often don't have a good appetite and show signs of anorexia. To overcome, parents can divide meals into smaller meals, give children easy-to-eat foods to compensate for the lack of energy, improve the baby's condition, and then gradually return to the normal diet. In addition, parents should change the taste of meals, should ask older children for ideas on how to prepare dishes that are suitable for children's tastes. Pay attention to prioritize foods rich in vitamins D, A, zinc, iron, minerals... to help children quickly recover from illness, and at the same time to meet the growth needs of children in adolescence. .
Through a reasonable diet, dengue patients can improve their disease status, shorten the duration of the disease, quickly recover and return to a normal rhythm of life.

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