Folliculitis in children

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Doan Ngoc Quynh Tram- Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Folliculitis is a common dermatological disease in children, especially when the weather is hot, humid, wearing tight clothes can't get rid of sweat,... Folliculitis in young children can go away on its own within a short period of time. weeks without medical treatment.

1. Symptoms of folliculitis in young children

Folliculitis in children is a condition in which a child's hair follicles become inflamed due to a bacterial or fungal infection. The characteristic symptom of the disease is inflamed hair follicles emerging as small red or white-headed papules. These papules can produce pus, which, when ruptured, causes scaly sores. Folliculitis nodules are often very itchy and become painful as the infection spreads. Folliculitis can appear anywhere on the body but is common in wet skin areas such as armpits, groin, genitals, anus, buttocks, etc. Favorable conditions for the disease to develop folliculitis hairs in young children are children who live in environments with high temperature, humidity, pollution, and dust; wear clothing that does not wick away perspiration; use topical corticosteroid creams; long-term antibiotic use,...

2. What causes folliculitis in children?

Folliculitis is a common childhood dermatological disease. Children can get sick due to the following reasons:
Infection with bacteria in public swimming pools, water parks. If public pools are not cleaned to regulatory standards, those who use the water during that time are at increased risk of folliculitis. Wearing clothes that are too tight, clothing materials do not absorb sweat. Clothing rubbing against the skin plus perspiration increases the chance of bacteria or fungi on the skin infecting the hair follicles. Use cosmetics, ointments that clog the hair follicles.

Trẻ có thể bị viêm nang lông khi đi bơi ở các hồ hơi công cộng, công viên
Trẻ có thể bị viêm nang lông khi đi bơi ở các hồ hơi công cộng, công viên

3. Which children are at high risk for folliculitis?

Folliculitis in young children is more common in children with risk factors such as:
Children with eczema or acne Using antibiotics or corticosteroids for a long time Have open wounds, cuts Skin infections Weakened immune system due to diseases such as HIV, diabetes, leukemia,...

4. How to treat children with folliculitis?

Children with folliculitis can be treated at home, please use antibacterial soap to clean the damaged skin, be careful not to rub too long or too hard. Then rinse and pat dry with a clean towel. Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams can be used to relieve itchy skin. With good skin care, folliculitis usually clears up within two weeks.
If the child's condition does not improve in 10 days, the pustules are spreading, the child has a fever, ... take the child to see a doctor. In rare cases, the bacteria causing folliculitis is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and the child needs to be treated with oral antibiotics.

5. Measures to help prevent folliculitis in children

To avoid the risk of children getting folliculitis, please note:
Avoid your child wearing clothes that are tight, tight to the skin, especially in hot weather. Wash your baby's towels, clothes, and bed linens regularly. Do not wear wet bathing suits after swimming; take a shower. After using a public swimming pool, give your child a bath with clean water and soap as soon as possible. Do not allow children to use swimming pools or hot tubs when they have open wounds on their skin At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package of examination and advice on treatment of atopic dermatitis for all customers everywhere. ages. Customers at risk such as allergies, affected by ambient conditions such as weather, climate, humidity, ... will be examined and tested including:
Specialist examination Dermatology Perform tests such as: quantification of IgE, fresh mycobacteria, specific IgE for respiratory and food allergens (Panel 1 Viet), Rida Allergy Screen test (panel 1). .. To learn more about the service package of examination and consultation for treatment of atopic dermatitis as well as other services at Vinmec, please book an appointment on the website for service.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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