Eczema, how to take care of your skin for beauty?

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Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is very common and causes red, itchy skin. If eczema skin care is not good, it can make the disease worse. Therefore, people with eczema need to have a suitable skin care routine so that the skin becomes more beautiful and the condition is relieved.

1. How does eczema affect the skin?

Eczema is a common atopic dermatitis that causes itching, inflammation, and redness. It usually affects both adults and children, but is most common in infants. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, hereditary disease that is accompanied by asthma.
Eczema often begins with dry, itchy skin and a rash that causes the skin to become red, swollen, and painful. If you intentionally scratch when you have symptoms of itching, it will make the disease worse. The rash may even have a clear liquid oozing from the rash. Eventually, the rash will scab over and begin to spread. The rash usually appears on the cheeks, buttocks, in the elbow folds, and behind the knees. Failure to take care of the patient's eczema skin will make the skin worse.
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2. How to care for eczema skin

The goal of skin care for someone with eczema is to heal the skin and prevent flare-ups. Therefore, patients need to adhere to a number of principles including:
Build a daily skin care routine Avoid the causes of disease outbreaks Comply with the treatment regimen symptoms occur.

Cách chăm sóc da bị chàm chủ yếu là chữa lành vết chàm và tránh bệnh lây lan
Cách chăm sóc da bị chàm chủ yếu là chữa lành vết chàm và tránh bệnh lây lan

Eczema causes dry, irritated and itchy skin. Accordingly, the itching will be worse when your skin is dry. Therefore, the most important thing is to keep the skin clean and moist. Bathing before bed will hydrate your skin. Take at least a short time, about 5 to 10 minutes, to bathe or shower each day with warm, not too hot, water. That will hydrate the skin and make it less dry and uncomfortable. Besides, you should use shower gel, detergent with low ingredients and low concentration to prevent skin irritation. Do not rub the skin too hard, but massage gently so that the nutrients are absorbed evenly on the skin and help remove dirt better. Then, apply a moisturizer that helps stay hydrated while you sleep. Choose the right moisturizer for your skin.
People with eczema should use physical sunscreen daily. Because these sunscreens are made with minerals like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide tend to work best. Stay away from tropical oils and sunscreens with scents like coconut. Choose and use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
On the skin of people with eczema, there are red spots that can make you self-conscious, many people have used concealer to do it. blur. However, the use of makeup will cause skin irritation, because eczema skin is very sensitive. Accordingly, you can use a green-toned concealer that will cover the redness. Next, look for a creamy formula that adds moisture, then use a skin-tone concealer to mask the green tint.
In addition, cleaning utensils is also very important. Wash clothes often before wearing to remove chemicals that can irritate the skin. Also, use a mild detergent without fragrance or dyes and rinse your clothes twice to remove soap stains. Keep your fingernails short so you don't hurt your skin when you scratch.
People with eczema often have a dry and sensitive skin. On the skin often appear red, swollen spots that make the patient self-conscious. Daily skin care will help the skin become more beautiful and the disease condition reduced. So, if you are still wondering about the skin care process when you have eczema, go to a dermatologist for advice on how to take care of your skin and choose the right product.

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