Does widening eye angle affect vision?

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Enlarging the eye angle is a cosmetic method that helps create bigger, more soulful eyes. This is a beauty method chosen by many women so that the eye angle is expanded proportionally, the eyes are large and glittery. However, many women wonder if widening the eye angle affects vision. Let's follow the article to better understand this beauty method as well as find the answer.

1. What is eye-angle enlargement?

Widening the angle of the eyes is to help improve the small, asymmetrical eyes, create a harmonious distance between the eyes and help the eyes become bigger and more attractive by removing the skin folds at the corner of the eyes, widening the eyes according to the shape of the eyes. The width helps the eyes to be big and flexible.
Popular techniques applied today to widen the eye angle include the Z-shaped conversion skin flap variant, or the X-Y push-up flap.
This method of widening the angle of the eye is just a simple surgery. When conducting, the doctor will make a small incision in the lower corner of the eye, then dissect, remove excess skin, excess muscle, create fan folds as well as widen the angle for the eyes. After finishing, the aesthetic will be stitched.
Sometimes the doctor may also just remove excess muscle, soften or remove the skin folds at the inner corner of the eyelid without making an incision in the inner eye area.
The time to perform 1 eye enlargement surgery will take from 45-60 minutes.

2. Advantages of the method of widening the eye angle

This is a beauty method that is highly appreciated for its safety, no complications. Eyes recover quickly, do not affect vision as well as the tissues around the eye area. No scars, increase aesthetics. , naturalness Big round eyes, natural beauty

Mở rộng góc mắt có ảnh hưởng thị lực không là thắc mắc của nhiều chị em phụ nữ
Mở rộng góc mắt có ảnh hưởng thị lực không là thắc mắc của nhiều chị em phụ nữ

3. Does widening the eye angle affect vision?

The answer is no. Enlarging the corner and tail of the eye is just a small surgery, the doctor only removes a small part of the skin on the outside of the eye without affecting or invading the inner area, so it will not affect the eye. visual acuity or visual acuity. So you don't need to worry too much about beautifying with this method.
However, the eye is still an important part, which contains many important nerves, so you need to choose to perform the technique of widening the eye angle at reputable and quality beauty establishments and addresses to ensure absolute safety as well as the highest aesthetics.

4. Is everyone suitable for the method of widening the eye?

Although widening the eye angle helps the eyes to become bigger and round, it is necessary to consult and check with a doctor before deciding to have the procedure because not everyone has the right facial proportions. So don't follow the trend.
For those who intend to open the inner corner of the eye: the standard ratio is when the distance between the eyes will be equal to 1 eye. If the measured distance is shorter than 1 eye, you should not open the inner corner of your eyes because the eyes are too close together, making it easy to create the feeling that the eyes are donated.

Mở rộng góc mắt giúp chị em có được đôi mắt tràn đầy sức sống
Mở rộng góc mắt giúp chị em có được đôi mắt tràn đầy sức sống

5. Will widening the corner of the eye leave a scar?

The possibility of scarring after widening the eye angle is usually very low, but the probability can still happen if:
People with keloid scars. Careful consideration should be given before performing angioplasty because the risk of keloid scarring is relatively high. Poor doctor's skills, unreputable cosmetic center Post-surgery care is not according to instructions

6. Notes after performing eye enlargement

After performing surgery to enlarge the eye corner, it is necessary to pay attention to proper care so that the incision heals quickly. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Avoid exposing your eyes to water after surgery. Avoid rubbing your eyes, cover carefully, avoid dust and dirt getting into the incision. You can use a clean cold towel to apply to the wound to reduce swelling and pain after the procedure. Use physiological saline daily to clean the eye incision. Take medicine according to the doctor's prescription, do not arbitrarily use drugs as well as arbitrarily buy topical drugs without the consent of the doctor. For the first 30 days after the surgery, you should not wear makeup or contact lenses. In terms of nutrition, should abstain from foods that are allergic to the body, which can cause keloids and itching. At the same time, add a lot of vitamins and minerals to make the cut heal faster. If you need to consult and visit Vinmec Hospitals of the national health system, please book an appointment on the website ( for the best service.

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