Does having uterine fibroids affect the fetus or not?

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Uterine fibroids Tumors develop from the myometrium and uterine fibroids can grow in many different places in the uterus such as under the lining of the uterus, the wall of the uterus... these fibroids also have different size. So does uterine fibroids affect the fetus or not? This article will provide detailed information to help you better understand the condition.

1. Patients with uterine fibroids during pregnancy

Uterine fibroids, also known as smooth muscle cell tumors, form in the uterine wall. This condition occurs quite commonly in women, especially women during pregnancy. This fibroid is formed from muscle fibers in the uterus and endometrial tissues.
Fibroids usually do not change in size during a woman's pregnancy. However, in some cases, fibroids can still increase in size during the first trimester - the first trimester of pregnancy. According to statistical studies, up to 70 to 80% of women will have fibroids by the age of 50 and 20 to 50% of women will have this condition at childbearing age.

2. Signs and causes of uterine fibroids during pregnancy

People with uterine fibroids often have some fairly common signs and this is also a preliminary sign of this disease. During pregnancy, women who have vaginal bleeding without cause or feel abdominal pain, especially lower abdominal pain, or lower back pain, or suffer from constipation and frequent urination... may suspect uterine fibroids. It is possible that women can also feel fibroids through pelvic examination. When you experience these signs, you should see your doctor immediately for an examination and appropriate treatment.
The cause of uterine fibroids is not clear, but according to experts, it is related to estrogen and progesterone levels. Because these hormones are formed in a woman's ovaries and can be seen as the cause of uterine fibroids growing in size during pregnancy. This is partly due to the peak of the production of two hormones, and fibroids are generally divided into three types:
Septal fibroids - the most common form of fibroids are usually located in the wall of the uterus Fibroids form and grow in the lining Uterus Fibroids form and grow outside the uterus

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Nhân xơ tử cung có ảnh hưởng tới thai nhi và có thể gây đau bụng dưới cho bà bầu

3. Effects of uterine fibroids on pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, is it okay to have uterine fibroids? Most women will experience the effects of fibroids during pregnancy. However, according to expert reports, about 10 to 30% of women with fibroids experience complications during pregnancy. The researchers also suggested that the common complication in patients with uterine fibroids is usually pain. And with some cases with uterine fibroids larger than 5cm, it is also easy to see in the third trimester of pregnancy. Can women with uterine fibroids get pregnant? The effects of complications from uterine fibroids may increase the risk of other complications during pregnancy and delivery.
Fetal growth restriction. As fibroids gradually increase in size, it can affect the fetal growth limit and prevent the fetus from developing completely. Because at this time, the area of ​​​​the uterus has narrowed compared to normal. Placenta abruption. This complication occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall due to a blockage by the fibrous nucleus, causing a significant reduction in the amount of oxygen and vital nutrients being transmitted to the uterus. Premature birth can also occur due to the influence of uterine fibroids leading to excessive uterine contractions. Caesarean section is estimated to be quite common in women with uterine fibroids and uterine fibroids affecting the fetus. The likelihood of a cesarean section in women with fibroids is six times higher than in women without fibroids. Reverse pregnancy. Due to the appearance of fibroids, the shape of the uterus changes, making it impossible for the fetus to be born through the vagina. Miscarriage. Experts also note that the effects of fibroids can make pregnant women six times more likely to miscarry. Furthermore, fibrocystic masses usually do not change in size during pregnancy, but there are exceptions to this statement. It is estimated that one-third of the cases of uterine fibroids may develop during the first trimester of pregnancy due to the influence of the hormone estrogen and increased estrogen levels during pregnancy. However, for some women, fibroids can return during pregnancy and this study was found in 2010 with 79% of fibroids occurring before pregnancy and decrease in size after birth.
For some women with fibroids can get pregnant naturally and even without any intervention. However, in other cases, fibroids can affect their fertility. For example, if a woman has submucosal fibroids - fibroids grow and increase in size inside the uterine cavity, there is an increased risk of infertility or miscarriage.

4. Tips for women with uterine fibroids during pregnancy

In some cases, uterine fibroids grow rapidly in size due to the influence of pregnancy hormones, if these fibroids are small in size, the patient usually does not have an indication for cesarean section and will be monitored. in the postpartum period. But it is necessary to have regular check-ups with a doctor's appointment to monitor the progress and condition of the disease.
On the contrary, for some people surgery is required. After giving birth, a woman's hormones have stabilized and fibroids decrease in size or do not grow at menopause.
Through this information, women need to know that not all cases of uterine fibroids are the same, but in order to accurately determine it, they need to have regular antenatal check-ups for early detection and timely remedial measures. avoid stillbirth and affect the health of women.
Cases of women with uterine fibroids who need surgery to remove the tumor during pregnancy include; cases of uterine fibroids with complications related to necrosis, or infection. Or cases where the tumor is located in the incision of the uterine muscle during cesarean section. Or fibroids block the way to drain the fluid. Or the fibroid is located under the mucosa and invades the uterine cavity, and there is a risk of causing bleeding.
Several ways can help overcome the effects of uterine fibroids. Fibroids usually will not be treated during pregnancy unless there is a danger to the mother and fetus, such as excessive bleeding and chronic pain. If fibroids do not cause unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will leave them alone and periodically monitor them. In addition, cases of uterine fibroids can be treated by:
Using drugs. Fibroids can also decrease in size after a cycle of hormonal changes or drug action. Arterial ablation. The doctor will use a small tube inserted into the artery that supplies blood to the fibroid and small particles are also injected to stop the blood flow, causing the fibroid to gradually die and possibly even disappear completely. Endoscopic surgery. The doctor uses a small catheter to enter the body through the stomach with the purpose of removing fibroids from the body. Surgery. In cases where the fibroids are much larger than normal, the doctor will recommend surgery to remove these cysts.

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5. Some methods to help prevent uterine fibroids during pregnancy

So far, scientists have not found the exact cause of uterine fibroids. According to experts, the risk factors for the disease may be genetic, endocrine disorders, overweight and obesity, unhealthy living environment... Therefore to help prevent the condition. Women with uterine fibroids during pregnancy need to follow a reasonably balanced diet, exercise daily and form healthy habits.
5.1. Choosing good foods for people with uterine fibroids To prevent fibroids from progressing and reduce uncomfortable symptoms during pregnancy, women need to add valuable foods. Nutrition such as:
Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits such as apples, broccoli, tomatoes, or legumes ... these foods work to reduce the risk of progression of uterine fibroids It also helps women control their weight well. Moreover, when women use legumes because they contain very low sugar content, they reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. Cereals and whole grains can help prevent the growth of uterine fibroids. Because in the composition of whole grains, there is a fairly rich fiber content with both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps to prevent oxidation and prevent the spread of uterine fibroids. Use healthy fats such as omega 3 found in fish. These fats help maintain hormone levels in the body and reduce the size of fibroids. Use white meat such as chicken, duck... to reduce the size of the uterine fibroids and limit possible abdominal pain. Besides choosing the right foods to help reduce uterine fibroids, women also need to know which foods have an adverse effect on the condition and avoid using them.
Do not use red meat such as beef, buffalo, goat, lamb... these meats are likely to accelerate the progression of uterine fibroids and affect the health of the uterus. Pregnant women should not use fast food, frozen food or fried food, or greasy food such as canned fish, canned meat, chips... Do not use any kind of food. Drinks containing stimulants or high sugar content such as alcohol, tea, coffee, carbonated water... and should not use stimulants such as tobacco... because they can irritate growth of uterine fibroids Do not use foods with high fat content such as full-fat milk, cheese, butter... Do not use foods containing high salt content such as biscuits, baked beans, pickles, french fries, canned soup, olive oil... Do not use foods with high sugar content such as candy, cakes...
5.2. Exercise daily and regularly Women with uterine fibroids should perform exercises suitable for health such as swimming, yoga, ... to help improve health and also improve health. body's resistance. At the same time, regular exercise will help prevent overweight and obesity.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The package pregnancy helps to facilitate convenient for the birthing process Newborns get comprehensive care

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