Does a 10-year-old child show signs of puberty?

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I say hello to the doctor. Doctor let me ask a question, my son is 10 years old this year, he has already had puberty. Does a 10-year-old child show signs of puberty? Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you very much.
Nguyen Thanh Hai (1988)
Hello doctor, doctor let me ask, my daughter was born in 2010, now she has only developed one breast so is it developing early, medium or late and how long does the other side take? will continue to grow, how long after breast development will menstruate? What kind of nutrition or food do you eat to inhibit early growth and be age-appropriate? I sincerely thank!
Anonymous question
Hello, please answer the question “Does 10-year-old children show signs of puberty? ” is as follows:
Don't know if your child is a boy or a girl. Precocious puberty is defined as the onset of physical and hormonal manifestations of puberty between the ages of 8 years (girls) and under 9 years of age (boys).
With the information you provided 10 years old baby is in the puberty stage not a sign of precocious puberty. Puberty at 10 years old is completely normal.
If you have other questions as well as need advice on nutrition and comprehensive development for your baby, please visit a pediatrician at Vinmec Health System facilities to get some tests done. experience for in-depth advice. Wishing your family good health always.
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