Detecting fetal abnormalities with Doctor Bruno Schaub – A leading expert in ultrasound (France)

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Hello friends,
Fetal medicine is a new specialty specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of fetal abnormalities right from the time it is still in the womb. With the mission of improving the health of the Vietnamese people, for a healthy young generation, right from the early days of establishment, Vinmec Times City Hospital has paid great attention to developing this field of fetal medicine.
The evidence is that in 2019, the Faculty of Fetal Medicine was established to specialize in techniques for examining, detecting and intervening fetal malformations right in the uterus. In recent years, the Department of Fetal Medicine has discovered hundreds of abnormal pregnancies and has initially performed diagnostic and therapeutic interventions right in the uterus such as placental biopsy, amniocentesis, and transfusion. Amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid reduction, fetal blood transfusion, catheterization to drain fetal pleural fluid, clamp umbilical cord obstruction in the treatment of complications of monochorionic twins. With the strong support of the hospital's Board of Directors, all pathological pregnancies will be referred to the Prenatal Council - including leading experts in the fields of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fetal Medicine. , Medical Genetics, Diagnostic Imaging, Pediatric Surgery, ... to get an accurate diagnosis for pregnancy, plan management and treatment right in the fetal period and right after birth to guide to the most important goal is the birth of a healthy baby. With initial successes, the Fetal Medicine unit promises to grow stronger in the coming years.
In the development program of Fetal Medicine, we attach great importance to cooperation and exchange with international experts to access new techniques and provide the highest standard of services. In recent years, international experts have regularly examined and treated at the Department of Fetal Medicine - one of them is Dr. Bruno Schaub - a leading expert in ultrasound and fetal pathology in France. has 30 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology and fetal medicine, is an expert in teaching in this field in many countries of the European Union and Asian countries.
With extensive experience in the field of obstetric pathology, embryology, obstetric ultrasound, Dr. Bruno Schaub built and put into operation a modern Fetal Medicine Center (University Hospital Martinique) and directly participated in training hundreds of doctors in Fetal Medicine. Dr. Bruno also established the Neonatal Care Unit at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Martinique Hospital... Each Department/Unit built and put into operation by Dr. Bruno is methodically operated and has achieved great success. certain.
In the coming time from May to August 2021, Dr. Bruno Schaub will have a business trip at the Department of Fetal Medicine to directly examine, treat and transfer technology. One of the strengths of Dr. Bruno Schaub is specializing in ultrasound screening for fetal malformations, ultrasound consultations for difficult cases, genetic counseling and direct implementation of intensive fetal intervention techniques such as internal medicine. hysteroscopy with anastomosis in the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome, clamping umbilical cord obstruction, fetal blood transfusion, catheterization to drain fetal pleural fluid...
Hope that with the team As a leading fetal medicine specialist at home and abroad, Vinmec Times City Hospital will provide pregnant women with perfect care services, peace of mind during each visit, and many opportunities to "solve the problem". save the unlucky baby right from the womb".
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