Dengue fever should take a bath?

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Doctor, my son has had dengue fever for three days. Currently, the child has a high fever, but she is often irritable, uncomfortable, and sweats a lot because she is not bathed every day. I think that hygiene can also affect the treatment of the disease, so I asked the doctor if dengue fever should be cleaned? Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Thi Thuy ( 27 years old )

Hi there! Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus called Dengue. This virus is usually transmitted from person to person through mosquitoes. If accidentally bitten by this type of mosquito and transmitted the disease to the body, within 4-5 days, the patient will contract dengue fever.
For Dengue hemorrhagic fever patients, personal hygiene is a necessity when faced with discomfort and discomfort from fever and perspiration throughout the body. Dengue fever should be bathed depends on the stage and condition of the disease.
In case you have thrombocytopenia hemorrhagic fever, you need to avoid vigorous scrubbing because it will cause bleeding under the skin or in the muscles, which is extremely dangerous. Absolutely do not use cold water to bathe because it will cause the skin vessels to contract, the internal vessels to dilate, leading to a very high risk of death.
Body hygiene should only be done by wiping with warm water. Dengue fever has an average duration of 7 to 10 days. With proper care, the disease will heal on its own without much intervention from a doctor.
Doctor Duong Van Sy - Resident Doctor of Pediatrics - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Hai Phong General Hospital

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