Copper IUD

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The article is made by Doctor Hoang Thi Anh Tuyet - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Copper IUDs, also known as IUDs, are widely used. This is one of the simple, cheap and effective temporary birth control methods. In Vietnam, the most commonly used type of IUD is TCu 380.

1. What is an IUD?

The IUD is a small device (usually T-shaped) that is placed in the uterus to provide effective contraception that lasts many years. The IUD is wrapped in copper to increase the effectiveness of birth control. Tcu 380A IUD has the following characteristics:
Very large copper ring area, high effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. The copper position is high, the amount of copper in the horizontal branches helps to release the copper to the bottom of the uterus, ensuring good contraception. Easy to put in and take out.

Vòng tránh thai thường có hình chữ T và kích thước khá nhỏ
Vòng tránh thai thường có hình chữ T và kích thước khá nhỏ

2. Pros and cons of the IUD

2.1 Advantages It's a cheap contraceptive. The contraceptive rate is as high as 95-97%. Effective contraception can last for many years. Getting pregnant again is easy after removing the ring. No need to use backup contraception. Women can be proactive in placing and wearing a copper IUD. Can be used for those with contraindications to estrogen , does not affect the blood clotting mechanism , blood pressure , metabolism , does not cause endometrial tumors .
2.2 Cons Need to go to a medical facility to put on, remove or change rings according to the time limit specified for each type of ring. There may be bleeding during the first few cycles after insertion. There may be symptoms of back pain, tightness due to uterine contractions, pain that can go away spontaneously or with pain relievers. Profuse vaginal discharge is initially due to an endometrial reaction, which should subside if there is no endometrial infection. There is about 2-5% of IUD loss in the first 3 months after insertion, if not detected, the risk of pregnancy is likely.

Sau khi đặt vòng tránh thai có thể xuất hiện triệu chứng đau lưng
Sau khi đặt vòng tránh thai có thể xuất hiện triệu chứng đau lưng

Circumstances in which a copper IUD should not be used:
The IUD is a highly effective method of contraception that can be applied very widely. However, there are cases that absolutely need to be avoided, that is:
Pregnant or suspected of being pregnant. Genital tract infections. Abnormal uterine bleeding of unknown cause. Endometritis after delivery or after septic abortion in the last 3 months. Genital tract malignancy. And cases that need to carefully consider their own health status before implementing an IUD include:
No children. History of ectopic pregnancy, tubal reconstruction. Blood clotting disorder. Psychiatric abnormalities interfere with ring monitoring. Heart valve disease. Endometrial optimism . Fibroids . Genital prolapse II, III. The risk of sexually transmitted diseases is high. History of copper allergy, Wilson's disease, abnormal absorption of copper metabolism.

Phụ nữ mắc bệnh lý tim mạch cần tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ chuyên khoa trước khi đặt vòng tránh thai
Phụ nữ mắc bệnh lý tim mạch cần tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ chuyên khoa trước khi đặt vòng tránh thai

3. When to remove the IUD

The person who put the copper IUD wants to get pregnant again. Want to use another method of contraception. Copper IUDs have an expiration date (usually 5 years). Genital tract infection or acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Menorrhagia, bleeding. Severe lower abdominal pain, unresponsive to analgesics. Get pregnant while wearing a copper IUD. IUDs containing copper are low or displaced in the uterine cavity. The IUD or IUD is a highly effective, long-acting, and widely used method of contraception. The Tcu IUD is very inexpensive but highly effective at preventing pregnancy.
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