Contraceptive implant causes weight gain, melasma, menorrhagia?

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Posted by Doctor Lai Thi Nguyet Hang - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Implant is a modern method of contraception being used in many countries around the world. Compared with the use of oral contraceptives, the implant is considered to be cheaper, effective in preventing pregnancy as high as 99.9% and for a long time, easy to use. The method is also safe for women who cannot use estrogen.

1. Learn about the contraceptive implant

The contraceptive rod will be implanted on the inner side of the non-dominant arm. Here the implant will gradually release the hormone into the body to create a contraceptive effect that can last from 3 to 5 years depending on the type. The hormone used in the implant is progesterone: levonorgestrel or etonogestrel. The number of implants can be from 1 to 6.
This measure can be applied to many different objects, and does not cause much pain. However, absolutely do not arbitrarily use the contraceptive implant. When you want to perform this method, you need to go to reputable medical facilities for examination and examination. It is very important to research carefully before deciding to take this measure.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn đã biết cách tránh thai an toàn chưa?

Có rất nhiều biện pháp tránh thai an toàn nhưng không phải ai cũng biết được điều đó. Trả lời đúng những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm dưới đây chứng tỏ bạn có kiến thức tốt về các biện pháp ngừa thai an toàn.

2. Effects of contraceptive implant

Contraceptive implant is a safe and effective method used by many women. However, in order to take this measure really safely and avoid unnecessary worries, you should pay attention to the following notes:
Vaginal abnormal blood, dizziness. The implant is clearly visible or has been moved to other places in the arm, making it impossible for the doctor to find the implant when you want to remove it to get pregnant. Implants are not always favorable and there are still cases of unintended pregnancy, although the rate is very low.

Tỉ lệ mang thai ngoài ý muốn sau khi cấy que tránh thai thường rất thấp
Tỉ lệ mang thai ngoài ý muốn sau khi cấy que tránh thai thường rất thấp

Please go back to the doctor as soon as you notice: The rod is in the wrong position, pain, swelling, inflammation in the skin area where the contraceptive implant is inserted, menstrual problems that don't go on forever, the body has difficulty adapting to foreign objects. , when strange phenomena do not improve... People with breast cancer, pregnant women, typhus, vaginal bleeding with no known cause should not implant the contraceptive stick. People with acute liver disease, liver tumor, pulmonary embolism... also should not use this method. The contraceptive implant does not prevent sexually transmitted infections.
3. Side effects when implanting the contraceptive The most common is a lot of cases, women after implanting the IUD have menorrhagia, vaginal bleeding with a small but irregular amount. This is a benign side effect, so you can rest assured. Abnormal menstrual cycle changes: due to hormonal changes, in the first few menstrual cycles, many women may find that menstruation does not appear, if after 3 menstrual cycles still no period. appear, should visit reputable medical facilities. Pimples a lot: the cause for this condition is hormonal changes, the body has not adapted to the hormone released from the contraceptive implant.

Nổi mụn nhiều là một trong các tác dụng phụ của que cấy tránh thai
Nổi mụn nhiều là một trong các tác dụng phụ của que cấy tránh thai

Implantation of birth control stick causes melasma: when the hormone progesterone enters the body, the hormone changes, when the hormone is stabilized, the pigmentation phenomenon will fade and disappear. Many women have itching after implantation. que : depending on the location of each person, the itching will be different, but this problem is not a concern because it will go away soon. If the implant site is itchy with pain, swelling or pus, you need to see a specialist doctor for examination. Many women gain weight after implantation: due to the influence of the hormone progesterone, many women gain weight after using this method, if it is at a normal and stable level, then there is no need to worry. If you gain a lot of weight and continuously, you need to find out the cause, in case the implant affects the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland causes sudden weight gain, you will be assigned to remove the rod and use other appropriate measures. After 1 year of implantation, amenorrhea may appear. After implantation, some subjects will feel tired, easily stressed, chest tightness... these symptoms will be less likely to occur. You don't have to worry too much

4. Weight gain when implanted contraceptives

Many women are concerned about gaining weight when using the contraceptive implant. This may be due to a sudden increase in the body's hormone levels, which causes the body to not adapt quickly, causing some side effects, in addition to weight gain, melasma, acne... However, after a while These phenomena will gradually disappear. There is also a reason for weight gain because after the birth control implant is placed, women feel secure without worrying about unwanted pregnancy, eat well, sleep well, and feel comfortable.
For cases of implanted contraceptives with a lot of weight gain, you need to determine what is the cause of the weight gain? How is the diet? Monitor weight for 3 months after implantation. If you are in the case of only gaining weight in the first 1-2 months, it is not a concern because it is just a side effect of the contraceptive implant.
If after 3 months, your weight is still increasing steadily, there is no sign of reduction, but the cause is not due to your diet. Women should go to the address where the contraceptive stick has been implanted so that the doctor can advise on other methods of contraception that are more suitable for the body. The doctor then removes the contraceptive implant from the body.

Một số phụ nữ gặp tình trạng tăng cân sau khi cấy que tránh thai
Một số phụ nữ gặp tình trạng tăng cân sau khi cấy que tránh thai
In addition, women should increase exercise to burn calories, control appetite. Drinking a lot of water will help you prevent water retention in the body due to hormonal changes.

5. Health monitoring after implantation of the contraceptive stick

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of contraception with the contraceptive implant, women need to go to reputable medical facilities with a team of experienced doctors and modern equipment to You will be examined and consulted before applying this measure, and you will also be advised and guided on how to monitor and detect abnormalities or risks that this measure causes as well as instructions from time to time. It is necessary to visit women for periodic health check-ups and evaluate the effects of this measure.
Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital is a facility that has received a lot of customer satisfaction when applying contraceptive methods with implants. For consultation and treatment at Vinmec Ha Long, you can contact the following address:
Hotline: 0203 3828 188 Address: 10A Le Thanh Tong, Hong Gai, Ha Long, Hong Gai, Ha Long
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