Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more prone to depression

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Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder often have manifestations such as hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, difficulty in controlling emotions, easy anger,... Especially, children with hyperactivity disorder, decreased Note that there is a high rate of serious psychological disorders such as depression.

1. Signs of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurological disorders in children, characterized by hyperactive behaviors and reduced concentration. In modern life, children are fully concerned about material and spiritual matters, but the rate of children showing signs of being hyperactive and rebellious tends to increase.
According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 100 children, there are 3-5 children with ADHD with some symptoms before the age of 7. Boys are 3 times more likely to get the disease than girls. The most common age group is 8-11 years old. In adulthood, the disease tends to decrease, at the age of 20, the incidence is 1%, in middle age it is 0.5%. According to a study on 1,595% of students in Hanoi, the incidence rate is 3.01%.
Children with ADHD may have only hyperactivity, only inattention, or both. Children with the disease often have some symptoms as follows:
Increased activity
Children can't concentrate in class, they always try to stand up, run around, can't sit still. When forced to sit, the child feels very uncomfortable, constantly squirming, wiggling in the chair. Disruptive children, easily angry: Children find it difficult to control their emotions and easily break out into rage. Children have difficulty waiting their turn: children often interrupt others while talking, have difficulty waiting for their turn when participating in group activities because children are not able to recognize the wishes and needs of others. other. Learning results are often unstable due to poor concentration and slow absorption. Children also have difficulty in reading and writing skills. Attention deficit
Children do not understand lectures, have difficulty listening to instructions or requests from teachers, or are absent-minded, dreamy even though they are not less intelligent than their peers. Children often forget homework and lose learning tools. Even though they are constantly bought new, reminded and advised by their parents, they still cannot overcome it. Not communicating with friends: Children with ADHD often lack confidence in communicating with people around them. When the living environment is changed, it is difficult for children to adapt. Children who have difficulty expressing feelings in words or gestures normally, because children with ADHD often face cognitive impairment and developmental delays in motor and language.

Trẻ mắc ADHD thường kém tự tin trong giao tiếp với người xung quanh
Trẻ mắc ADHD thường kém tự tin trong giao tiếp với người xung quanh

2. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are prone to depression

Studies show that about 30% of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have serious psychological disorders such as depression. Some experts think that half of people with ADHD will develop depression at some point in their lives.
The cause of depression in children with ADHD is that children always find it difficult to study, live and play with friends due to symptoms of hyperactivity. Children are often shunned by friends because they do not follow the framework, are considered a spoiled child, a failure. Besides, poor academic results due to daydreaming, lack of concentration make children low self-esteem, despair, thinking that they can't do anything well.
Causes of hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder and depression in children are often related to genetic factors. People with depression or ADHD often have parents or other family members who also have had the condition. People with ADHD often have a decrease in dopamine, a chemical that transmits signals from one nerve to another. According to some studies, in the brain structure of people with ADHD, there is less gray matter volume. Other causes such as mothers suffering from diseases during pregnancy, children suffering from diseases that cause brain damage, children living in environments that are too noisy, crowded, polluted, etc. Watching too much TV, phones Game addiction also aggravates depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.

3. What to do when children have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Nhà trường, gia đình và bác sĩ chuyên môn cần có sự phối hợp chặt chẽ để điều trị cho trẻ
Nhà trường, gia đình và bác sĩ chuyên môn cần có sự phối hợp chặt chẽ để điều trị cho trẻ

Children with hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit have a lot of problems in learning, communication, psycho-physiological development as well as skills to integrate into society. Compared with normal children, children with ADHD have a higher risk of mental disorders, substance use, criminal behavior or accident proneness, etc. However, if children receive intervention. Early, properly, the child's condition will have a chance to improve, the child will go to school, work and live an independent life, without becoming a burden on the family and society.
When a child shows signs of hyperactivity or attention deficit, the school, family and specialist doctor need to work closely together to treat the child. Psychological treatment is the method that plays a key role. Methods that can be used are:
Behavioral therapy: help children recognize situations, explain to children what to do, reward and encourage children when they behave well, when children make mistakes, need to persevere remind, avoid hitting and scolding children. Methods to increase attention: create a quiet environment when children study, avoid giving children too many things at the same time to distract them, try to make them pay attention when you speak, ask them to repeat things what you have just heard, let children play games that require thinking,... Support children in learning: let children exercise their bodies with suitable and healthy sports; make a study schedule and remind children to follow it; Parents must accept limitations, never mock children, always maintain a persistent but decisive attitude towards children, create conditions for children to participate in collective activities. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should only be treated with drugs when prescribed by a doctor. When treating with drugs, must strictly follow the instructions, do not arbitrarily stop the drug. Arbitrarily discontinuing the drug when symptoms improve may make the symptoms worse, leaving serious consequences that are difficult to overcome.

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