Children who drink cough syrup will help with a runny nose, if they don't drink it, they will get sick again, do they need to go to the doctor?

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Hello doctor. My nearly 11-month-old son had a runny nose and cough in the early morning, at first he gave me cold and flu syrup for 4-5 days but it still didn't help. I switched to cough syrup for 5 days and a runny nose. If the baby drinks, the runny nose will be relieved, but if not, the nose will run again. Please ask the doctor, in case the child takes cough syrup, the runny nose will help, if not, will it be again, do I need to go to the doctor? Should I take antibiotics? The baby is still eating and sleeping normally. Thank you doctor, hope to hear from you soon.
Dinh Thi Bao Ngoc (1993)
Hello! If your child has a cough that lasts 10 days and doesn't get better, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use antibiotics for children.
You can take your child to medical facilities or hospitals under Vinmec Health System to be examined by a doctor and give treatment in case of need.
Thank you for sending the question “Children drink cough syrup, they will get rid of runny nose, if they don't drink, they will get sick again, do they need to go to the doctor? Should I take antibiotics?” to Vinmec. Wish your baby good health always.
Answered by Doctor Do Thi Linh Phuong - Pediatrician - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital
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