Causes of lack of amniotic fluid

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Posted by Doctor CKII Nguyen Thu Hoai - Obstetrics Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Depending on the time of occurrence of amniotic fluid deficiency, the cause and gestational age at the time of delivery, amniotic fluid deficiency can cause stillbirth, postpartum death due to pulmonary hypoplasia.... Therefore, the correct diagnosis lack of amniotic fluid, finding out the cause of amniotic fluid deficiency plays an important role in pregnancy management.

1. Causes of low amniotic fluid during pregnancy

Low amniotic fluid during pregnancy is a medical condition that occurs quite a lot during pregnancy, it is estimated that on average, 1 out of every 100 pregnant women has oligohydramnios. Diagnosis of oligohydramnios is based on ultrasound when the measurement along the deepest amniotic cavity (where only amniotic fluid is present, no fetal body parts) is less than 2cm or the amniotic index AFI (total of 4 amniotic sacs) is less than 5 cm.
There are 4 main causes of oligohydramnios :
Amniotic fluid rupture , amniotic fluid leakage before labor : Because the amniotic membrane is torn causing amniotic fluid to escape from there leading to oligohydramnios . The diagnosis of amniotic fluid rupture, amniotic fluid leakage is based on exploiting the symptoms of water, vaginal discharge, the patient should be examined by a doctor, tested to check amniotic fluid in vaginal fluid (knee test, amnisure ..), test Blood tests to evaluate for infection. Impaired uteroplacental function causing fetal growth retardation and accompanying depletion of amniotic fluid, diagnosis is based on echocardiography, high PI Doppler impedance index of the uterine and/or umbilical arteries and the presence of redistribution. fetal circulation father. Fetal urinary system abnormalities: Bilateral renal aplasia, polycystic or polycystic kidney, ureteral obstruction, posterior urethral valve syndrome, impaired renal function... Detected by ultrasound, laboratory fetal umbilical vein blood. Fetal chromosomal abnormalities: Diagnosis is based on amniocentesis, chromosomal testing or Micro array if fetal ultrasound has abnormal images or fetal growth retardation.

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Nhiễm sắc thể thai nhi bất thường có thể gây thiếu ối

If it is determined to be low amniotic fluid during pregnancy, the patient should have a close follow-up plan depending on the amniotic fluid index, the cause of the lack of amniotic fluid, specifically:
Ultrasound to monitor fetal status and assess the amount of amniotic fluid. amniotic fluid every 1-3 weeks. Assess the degree of uteroplacental insufficiency by measuring fetal growth index and Doppler index of the umbilical artery, venous duct and middle cerebral artery to help decide the best time to deliver. In cases of unexplained oligohydramnios, amniocentesis may be useful in allowing a detailed examination of the fetus, in conjunction with genetic testing for the fetus. Pregnant women with oligohydramnios need to be examined and consulted by specialists, closely monitoring and finding the cause is very important to develop a specific care plan for each patient. If a pregnant woman has oligohydramnios due to rupture of membranes or leaking amniotic fluid, her infection status should be assessed regularly, infection prevention through antibiotic use, vaginitis medication, and increased genital hygiene. If a pregnant woman has oligohydramnios due to impaired uterine and placental function, she should be supported with a reasonable diet, increased rest, and avoided stress. In addition to specialist support in obstetrics, mothers also need psychological support from husbands, family, and psychologists to prevent stress and anxiety that may adversely affect their health. healthy mother and fetus.

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Dịch vụ thai sản trọn gói tại Vinmec được nhiều mẹ bầu quan tâm

At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of qualified doctors Regular check-up, early detection of abnormalities Maternity package helps to facilitate the process. childbirth process Newborns receive comprehensive care Recommended video:

Pregnant women's health care: A must-know guide for pregnant mothers

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