Causes of excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy

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Amniotic fluid excess is the accumulation of excess amniotic fluid in excess of the normal amniotic fluid index. Although amniotic fluid plays an extremely important role for the development of the fetus, excess amniotic fluid can have some potential risks and affect the mother and fetus.

1. Physiological function of amniotic fluid

The amniotic sac is created about the 12th day after the egg is fertilized. During the first trimester of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is isotonic and similar to maternal plasma. During the second and second trimester of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid becomes hypotonic.
The volume of amniotic fluid increases gradually until the beginning of the last 3 months of pregnancy and from there it is constant until the pregnancy is full term. Between 37 and 41 weeks, the amniotic fluid volume decreases by 10%. From 42 weeks onwards, the amniotic fluid volume decreases very rapidly, about 33% in a week.

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The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Tạ Quốc Bản , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Phú Quốc

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Tạ Quốc Bản
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Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Phú Quốc

2. What is amniotic fluid?

Excess amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid disorder is a condition in which too much amniotic fluid forms during pregnancy. Excess amniotic fluid is a fairly common condition. Amniotic fluid is considered normal when it reaches 250-600 ml at 16-32 weeks of gestation. The amount of amniotic fluid increases gradually with gestational age and by about 34 weeks of pregnancy amniotic fluid will increase to 800ml and maintain until the fetus is 36 weeks old will reach the highest level of 1000ml. After that, it will gradually decrease to about 600 - 800ml around the time before giving birth. Pregnant women have excess amniotic fluid when the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds 2000ml.
To diagnose polyhydramnios, your doctor will perform an ultrasound and get an indirect estimate of the amniotic fluid volume. Mother was diagnosed with amniotic fluid index (A.F.I: amniotic fluid index) through ultrasound from 12-25cm. Polyhydramnios is more than 25 cm.
Details of fetal development week by week, every parent should learn:

3. Consequences of polyhydramnios

Too much amniotic fluid can cause the mother's uterus to become distended and lead to premature birth or premature rupture of the membranes (amniotic sacs). Polyhydramnios is also associated with birth defects in the fetus. When the amniotic sac ruptures, a large amount of fluid collects in the uterus which can increase the risk of placental abruption (premature detachment) or cord prolapse (when the umbilical cord prolapses through the opening of the cervix).

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Polyhydramnios makes it easier for the fetus to rotate because there is a lot of amniotic fluid surrounding it. This means you have a pretty high risk of having a breech birth. Most cases of polyhydramnios are mild and result from the gradual accumulation of amniotic fluid during the second half of pregnancy. Severe polyhydramnios can cause breathing problems, premature birth, or other signs and symptoms.
If you are diagnosed with polyhydramnios, your doctor will carefully monitor your pregnancy to help prevent complications. Treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. Mild polyhydramnios may resolve on their own. Severe polyhydramnios requires treatment, such as drainage of excess amniotic fluid.

4. Causes of excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds and cushions the fetus inside the uterus, which comes from the baby's kidneys and enters the uterus from the baby's urine. Fluid is absorbed when the baby swallows and through breathing movements.
The amount of fluid increases until the 36th week of pregnancy, then gradually decreases. If the fetus makes too much urine or doesn't swallow enough, the amniotic fluid builds up and causes polyhydramnios. Sometimes doctors can't find the cause of polyhydramnios. Factors associated with amniotic fluid include:
Gestational diabetes Gastrointestinal abnormalities that prevent the swallowing of amniotic fluid Abnormal swallowing due to problems with the central nervous system or infection abnormalities Chromosomes Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome Heart failure Congenital infection (acquired during pregnancy). 4.1 Who often suffers from polyhydramnios? Polyhydramnios can affect people of all ages. You can control this disease by minimizing your risk factors. Consult your doctor for more detailed information.
4.2 What factors increase the risk of polyhydramnios? There are many risk factors for polyhydramnios such as:
Multiple pregnancy

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Đa thai làm tăng nguy cơ mắc tình trạng đa ối

Birth defects of the brain and spine Digestive system obstruction Genetic problems (problems with chromosomes are inherited). 4.3 What are the signs and symptoms of excess amniotic fluid in pregnancy? Mild polyhydramnios is usually asymptomatic. However, each woman may experience different symptoms. Symptoms may include:
The mother's abdomen is larger for her gestational age, difficulty hearing the fetal heartbeat. The measurement of the waist circumference (through the navel) is greater than 100cm, the abdomen is tight, the abdomen is painful, breathing is difficult, eating is difficult to digest, breathing is also more difficult. Dilated veins can lead to hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Usually pregnant women will have excess amniotic fluid at 30 weeks, but there are also some pregnant women with amniotic fluid at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
You may experience other symptoms not mentioned here. If you have any questions about the signs of illness, consult your doctor.
4.4 When do you need to see a doctor? You should contact your doctor if you have the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath Abdominal pain Abdominal bloating If you have any of the above signs or symptoms or have any questions, please consult your doctor. doctor. Everyone's body is different, so consult your doctor to choose the most appropriate option.
The second 3 months of pregnancy is a period of strong fetal development and the occurrence of polyhydramnios, in order to prevent polyhydramnios and take timely measures, pregnant women need:
Full fetal malformation screening by superior 4D ultrasound technique. Screening for gestational diabetes, avoiding many dangerous complications for both mother and baby. Control the mother's weight reasonably to assess the health status of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. Understand the signs of threatened early delivery (especially in those carrying multiple pregnancies or having a history of miscarriage or premature birth) so that they can receive timely treatment to maintain pregnancy. To protect mother and baby during pregnancy, Vinmec provides a comprehensive Maternity service to help monitor the health status of pregnant women comprehensively. With the above package, mothers receive regular antenatal check-ups with leading obstetricians, perform all important tests and screenings for pregnant women, consult and intervene in time when abnormalities are detected. in mother and baby health. From there, in order to have timely intervention, avoid affecting the health of mother and baby.

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