Caesarean section: When can I start exercising?

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Caesarean section is a major surgery, so don't start exercising too soon. Usually, women can start exercising 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

1. How long can I exercise after cesarean section?

Even when prescribed by a doctor, returning to exercise after cesarean still needs careful attention. In fact, being physically active can actually help a woman's pelvic floor and abdomen recover from a cesarean section, and give you more control over your body.
How long you can exercise after cesarean section depends on the mother's physical activity level and the specific conditions of the surgery. In general, you can do light exercise after 3-4 weeks if the delivery is not complicated. It is important to plan for the right type and level of exercise after cesarean section. Although the incision has healed, most mothers still cannot get enough sleep and get tired easily, which affects their ability to tolerate physical activity.
Postpartum women who want to start exercising again should always consult a qualified doctor and trainer first. Even light exercises - like swimming, yoga and running, need expert approval. You can only start walking and stationary cycling a few weeks after the cesarean section when you feel comfortable enough.
Avoid strenuous exercise, such as: Heavy lifting and jogging, during the first month of recovery from cesarean section. Besides, it is not recommended to do exercises that directly affect the mid-body (core muscles) for 4-6 weeks after cesarean section.

Phụ nữ sau sinh muốn tập yoga cần nhận được sự đồng ý của chuyên gia
Phụ nữ sau sinh muốn tập yoga cần nhận được sự đồng ý của chuyên gia

2. Exercises in the first 6-8 weeks after cesarean section

2.1. Kegel exercises (pelvic floor muscles) The first 6-8 weeks is the time to recover from a cesarean section. However, you can safely begin pelvic floor exercises once the catheter is removed and as soon as you feel ready. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor, so strengthening these muscles is important. Every time you hold your baby, practice squeezing your pelvic floor muscles and try to correct your posture.
2.2. Posture adjustment Women after cesarean section often have a habit of stooping, especially if the stitches in the abdomen are painful. You will feel weak in your abdomen after surgery, but stooping can lead to back pain and cause your abdomen to bulge out.
Practice standing up properly as often and as much as possible both to strengthen the abdominal muscles and protect the back. Do not lift anything heavier than your newborn baby for at least the first 2 months. Try to avoid holding your older child, and instead ask your husband, or friends and family for help if possible.

Bài tập Kegel có thể bắt đầu thực hiện trong 6 - 8 tuần đầu sau sinh mổ
Bài tập Kegel có thể bắt đầu thực hiện trong 6 - 8 tuần đầu sau sinh mổ

2.3. Gentle Abs Workout Once you feel comfortable with pelvic floor exercises, you can start working your abs. Gentle and safe exercises for the first 6 weeks are pelvic tilts, supine bridges, and leg slides.
These movements don't put too much pressure or hurt your scar, even if you feel the stitches twitch a little while doing the exercise. However, stop exercising if you feel pain and have your doctor examine your wound.
Do not do exercises that directly impact your abs, such as sit-ups, planks and straight leg raises. These movements put pressure on muscles that are already stretched during pregnancy, increasing swelling, worsening postpartum abdominal pain.
2.4. Caring for your incision Your abdomen may be slightly protruding, and the skin around and below the scar may be tighter. To minimize this situation, you need to lose weight slowly, do kegel exercises and gently move the abdomen. This process requires patience for months, so keep practicing even if you don't notice any changes at first.
The tissue around the scar will heal faster if you stand up straight and maintain gentle abdominal exercises. Once the wound has healed, you can massage the scar tissue to reduce pain sensitivity and make movement more comfortable.
2.5. Walk

Bạn có thể tăng dần hoạt động với mức độ phù hợp với khả năng như đi bộ trong 6 tuần đầu tiên sau khi sinh mổ
Bạn có thể tăng dần hoạt động với mức độ phù hợp với khả năng như đi bộ trong 6 tuần đầu tiên sau khi sinh mổ

During the first 6 weeks after a cesarean section, you can gradually increase your activity to a level appropriate for your ability. For example, start with a 5-minute walk and gradually increase the time each day. If you have any questions or concerns, you should ask your midwife or doctor during your postpartum wellness visits.

3. Exercises for 4-6 months after cesarean section

3.1 Abdominal exercises From 4-6 months after the cesarean section, you can start exercises to strengthen the abs and core muscles, including exercises such as:
Plank Lie on your stomach and raise your arms and legs in the pose " superman” Kneel and put your hands on the floor, while contracting your abs. Should start slowly and gradually increase the level of exercise, combined with listening to the body. Regular, regular exercise is good for your scars and abs, not exhaustion.
While abdominal exercises are important, doing them alone will only strengthen the muscles underneath the excess fat and may not see a significant change in appearance.

Từ 4 - 6 tháng sau sinh mổ bạn có thể bắt đầu các bài tập tăng cường cơ bụng như Plank
Từ 4 - 6 tháng sau sinh mổ bạn có thể bắt đầu các bài tập tăng cường cơ bụng như Plank

3.2 Aerobics The only way to achieve your waistline goal is to combine aerobic exercise and toning. Aerobic exercise is also good for your heart and lungs, helps with recovery from cesarean section, and builds strength. Begin this type of exercise after your cesarean delivery with your doctor's approval.
3.3 Other types of exercise Walking, jogging, swimming or biking are all great options to help you lose weight. But at the beginning, you should only exercise for about 10 minutes, then gradually increase the time as you get stronger.
The effects of pregnancy hormones can affect your joints for up to 6 months after giving birth, so don't do vigorous exercise during this time. You've been pregnant for 9 months, so give yourself at least 9 months to get back to normal.
3.4 Going to the gym after a cesarean

Bạn cảm thấy bị đau 12 tuần sau khi sinh điều đó cho thấy cơ thể vẫn chưa sẵn sàng tham gia lớp tập thể dục khi đã hồi phục sau sinh mổ hoàn toàn
Bạn cảm thấy bị đau 12 tuần sau khi sinh điều đó cho thấy cơ thể vẫn chưa sẵn sàng tham gia lớp tập thể dục khi đã hồi phục sau sinh mổ hoàn toàn
You can join an exercise class with gentle, low-impact exercises once you've fully recovered from the cesarean section. It is important to let the instructor know that you have just had a cesarean section.
Signs that your body is not ready for exercise class is:
Difficulty walking Has not been able to do pelvic floor or lower abdominal muscle exercises Pain 12 weeks after giving birth. If you experience any complications after a cesarean section, such as an infection, talk to your doctor and wait until you've fully recovered before starting to exercise again.
It can be said that the biggest obsession of women who have a caesarean section is the pain after giving birth because at this time the anesthetic has worn off. Every movement, even the smallest, makes the incision painful. Understanding the process of carrying a painful labor and wishing to relieve the pain of childbirth, Vinmec offers a comprehensive Maternity program with a complete "painless delivery" service during and after delivery using technology. non-morphine epidural analgesia and pudendal nerve anaesthesia. This is a technique of nerve selective analgesia that governs the incision and contracts the uterus in order to block pain signals before being transmitted to the spine and to the brain, causing post-operative pain for pregnant women.
With long-term experience and with the support of modern ultrasound equipment, Vinmec doctors will find the correct place to numb the lumbar squamous muscle, ensure the safety of the mother, and help the recovery process. After cesarean section becomes faster, minimizing postpartum complications
For more information Customers please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec health system nationwide.

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