CA 125: A marker of ovarian cancer

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CA-125 is a cancer marker most commonly used to detect, monitor the effectiveness of ovarian cancer treatment and detect cancer recurrence after treatment. CA-125 testing done repeatedly over time is often more valuable than testing only once.

1. What is the case number 125 in the blood?

CA 125 is a protein known as a cancer marker – present in high concentrations in the blood when tumor cells are present. Especially when ovarian cancer cells are present, the concentration of CA 125 is higher. CA (cancer antigen) means cancer antigen.

2. Meaning of CA 125 . test

Monitor cancer treatment: If you have been diagnosed with ovarian, endometrial, peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer, your doctor will order a CA 125 test to monitor your condition and treatment. .
To screen for ovarian cancer if you are at high risk: If you have been determined to be at high risk of developing ovarian cancer due to a family history of the disease, your doctor may recommend a CA 125 test
To check for cancer recurrence: Increased CA 125 levels may indicate ovarian cancer has returned after treatment.
Your doctor may recommend a CA 125 test to check for suspicion of ovarian, endometrial, peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer. However, the CA 125 test cannot diagnose these diseases. Only tissue biopsy can confirm the diagnosis of these cancers.
Patients may be ordered to do additional tests such as transvaginal or pelvic ultrasound and computed tomography (CT).

Ý nghĩa của xét nghiệm CA 125 là gì?
Ý nghĩa của xét nghiệm CA 125 là gì?

3. When to do CA125 . test

The absolute indication CA125 is indicated when a woman is suspected of having ovarian cancer. In a woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer (with elevated CA125) prior to initiation of treatment to assess response to treatment. In a woman after surgery or chemotherapy to detect recurrent ovarian cancer. CA125 can also be ordered to diagnose ovarian cancer along with a number of other cancer markers such as HE4, CEA, CA19-9, AFP or β-hCG. Can be used to screen for ovarian cancer in women at high risk for a family history. Relative indications For patients with suspected uterine cancer, CA125 is considered a type 2 cancer marker, after CEA, CA19-9, CYFRA21-1 and SCC. For patients with suspected lung cancer, CA125 is also considered a type 2 cancer marker, after the cancer markers ProGRP, NSE, CYFRA 21-1, CEA and SCC.

4. What to know before taking the CA-125 . test

Ba tháng đầu của thai kỳ có thể gây tăng nhẹ nồng độ CA-125
Ba tháng đầu của thai kỳ có thể gây tăng nhẹ nồng độ CA-125
Before taking the test you should know the factors that can affect the test results including:
The first trimester of pregnancy and a normal menstrual cycle can cause a slight increase in CA-125 levels. Patients with benign peritoneal disease (eg, cirrhosis, endometriosis) have mild elevations Smoking may also raise CA-125 values ​​Patients with recent abdominal surgery may have CA-125 levels high levels that last about 3 weeks after surgery Some women with ovarian cancer may not have elevated blood levels of CA-125. If your doctor suspects you have ovarian cancer or another type of cancer, he or she may recommend a biopsy (taking a few samples of cells). Other tests that may be helpful in evaluating these cancers include transvaginal or abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography (CT).
Monitoring of ovarian cancer response with CA-125 has not been shown to improve prognosis in women with ovarian cancer, and may lead to rounds of chemotherapy or unnecessary treatments. other device.
Before performing this medical technique, you should clearly understand the warnings and precautions. If you have any questions, consult your doctor for more information and specific instructions.
Currently Vinmec International General Hospital has Cancer Screening Packages, including Screening and early detection of gynecological cancer, helping customers check gynecological function. Carry out necessary tests to help detect early diseases: cervical - uterine - ovarian cancer even when there are no symptoms.
If you have a need for cancer screening at Vinmec, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register for an online examination HERE.
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